我环顾四周,似乎没有什么对我有用。我有一个按钮,将其插入到 1 个表 1 中,然后它从表 3 中获取值以放入表 2 中,其中 ID 相同。
if ($movieTime != "") {
$query = "SELECT SchedID FROM tblCinemaSched WHERE TheaterID='$tid' AND CinemaID='$cid' AND MovieDate='$date' AND MovieTime='$movieTime'";
//echo "$query<br>";
if ($numRows<=0) {
$query = "INSERT INTO tblCinemaSched SET TheaterID='$tid', CinemaID='$cid', MovieDate='$date', MovieTime='$movieTime', MovieID='$movieId', PriceAmt='$priceId', CrtBy='$username', CrtDate=NOW()";
//echo "$query<br>";
//get seat defaults from tblCSeats
$query = "INSERT INTO tblSSeats SELECT TheaterID, CinemaID, '$date', '$movieTime', SeatID, RowNo, ColumnNo, Handicap, Status, LeftSeat, RightSeat, NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'$username',NOW() FROM tblCSeats WHERE TheaterID='$tid' AND CinemaID='$cid'";
//echo "$query<br>";
$errorStr = "Succesfully added schedule.";
else {
$errorStr = "There's already an existing schedule for the specified time.";
您会看到 tableCSeats 有超过 1 行具有相同的 ID,这意味着我想将多个数据从 tableCSeats 插入到 tableSSeats。tableSSeats 是一个还没有数据。