ServiceStack 模块非常有趣。Iplugin 接口也非常适合 Rest 服务。但是可插拔mvc在哪里呢?:) 你有什么计划吗?当我说可插拔 Mvc 时,我指的是可插拔区域!


2 回答 2


You can also use ServiceStack's high-perf, testable caching, session, config and authentication/authorization components inside MVC websites as well - as described in ServiceStack's MVC PowerPack.

This previous answer shows how you can freely share any dependencies between ServiceStack and MVC by registering them in ServiceStack's built-in IOC and sharing them with MVC Controller factory.

于 2012-05-17T04:57:13.840 回答

为什么不简单地询问是否有针对 ASP.NET MVC3 的插件系统?

我已经描述了如何使用我的 contrib 项目来创建插件:http: //blog.gauffin.org/2012/05/griffin-mvccontrib-the-plugin-system/

于 2012-05-16T08:01:41.307 回答