当我得到这张图片的点击事件时,我创建了一个图像并添加到图像层?使用指针它只返回被点击的 x 和 y 的值。当我这样做时,我想确定在图像上单击了哪个?
282 次
1 回答
ImageLayer layer = ...
layer.addListener(new Pointer.Adapter() {
public void onPointerStart(Pointer.Event event) {
// event.localX() and event.localY() are the mouse position in the layer's
// coordinate system; event.x() and event.y() are the mouse position
// in screen coordinates
Image image = ...;
int[] argb = new int[1];
// this will copy the ARGB value of the pixel at x y into the argb array
image.getRgb(x, y, 1, 1, argb, 0, 1);
// this will extract the alpha value from the pixel
int alpha = (argb[0] >> 24) & 0xFF;
于 2012-05-08T04:36:14.390 回答