如何在 Selenium 2 (WebDriver) 中进行参数化?我使用 Eclipse 和 maven 插件,我以前没有使用 Selenium Webdriver 的经验。当我用谷歌搜索它时,每件事都会显示关于 testNG 和 JUnit。有什么方法可以让我们参数化 Webdriver?
7 回答
package pac1;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.Wait;
import java.io.File;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
public class test extends sut {
static WebDriver driver;
static Wait<WebDriver> wait;
public static boolean run(WebDriver driverArg, Wait<WebDriver> waitArg)
driver = driverArg;
wait = waitArg;
// Run all the methods and return false if any fails
return (test1() );
private static boolean test1()
try {
File file = new File("emaildata.xml"); //file location should be specified correctly put your xml in the same folder of the source code.
// Prepare XML
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = db.parse(file);
NodeList emailNodeElementList = document.getElementsByTagName("test");//test is the name of the child tag
for(int j=0;j<emailNodeElementList.getLength(); j++)//loop for the multiple data
String client = "The username or password you entered is incorrect. ?";
Element emailNodeElement = (Element)emailNodeElementList.item(j);
NodeList details = emailNodeElement.getChildNodes();
String emailAddress=((Node) details.item(0)).getNodeValue();
System.out.println("email :" + emailAddress);//it just prints which email is going to be parsed
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("body"));
boolean feedBack = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("body")).getText().contains(client);
boolean feedbackVisible = element.isDisplayed();
WebElement e1 = driver.findElement(By.id("Email"));//getting the location from the web
e1.sendKeys(emailAddress);//sending keys to the server
WebElement e3 = driver.findElement(By.id("signIn"));
System.out.println(client+ "is present");
System.out.println(client+ "is visible");
System.out.println(client+ "is not visible");
System.out.println(client+ "is not present");
catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
return true;
@Parameters({ "first-name" })
public void testSingleString(String firstName) {
System.out.println("Invoked testString " + firstName);
assert "Cedric".equals(firstName);
在此代码中,我们指定 Java 方法的参数 firstName 应接收名为 first-name 的 XML 参数的值。此 XML 参数在 testng.xml 中定义:<-- ... -->
更多详情,请访问:http: //testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#parameters
我将做出假设 - 您想将一些参数传递给 Webdriver。这可以通过两种方式完成:
制作扩展 Webdriver 的类并使其构造函数具有您需要传递的参数。然而,这是一种艰难的方式,因为您必须从 webdriver 实现/覆盖所有(需要的)函数:
public class MyWebdriver extends Webdriver{ private String theParameter; public MyWebdriver(String parameter){ //... initialize the Webdriver //store the parameter theParameter = parameter }
制作您自己的包装器,其中将包含 WebDriver 的实例。这很容易(-ier)。例如:在我自己的测试中,我需要告诉 Webdriver 我正在测试哪个环境。所以我为环境创建了自己的类:
public class Environment{ private String baseUrl; public enum NameOfEnvironment {DEV, ACC} private NameOfEnvironment environment; public Environment(NameOfEnvironment envName){ environment = envName; } public String getBaseUrl(){ switch (environment){ case DEV: baseUrl = ""; break; case ACC: baseUrl = "https://acceptance.our-official-site.com"; break; } return baseUrl; } }
然后我有自己的 WebDriver 包装器,我在其中初始化它是这样的:
public class TestUI{
private Webdriver driver;
private Environment env;
public TestUI(Environment e){
this.env = e;
driver = new FirefoxDriver;
public class TestCases{
public static final Environment USED_ENVIRONMENT = new Environment(Environment.NameOfEnvironment.ACC);
public void testSomething(){
testUI test = new testUI(USED_ENVIRONMENT);
//.. further steps
public void property(){
try {
File file = new File("login.properties");
FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(file);
Properties properties = new Properties();
Enumeration enuKeys = properties.keys();
while (enuKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) enuKeys.nextElement();
String value = properties.getProperty(key);
System.out.println(key + ": " + value);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
并从属性文件中传递值,使用 property(); 在主班。并执行
我的建议是尝试使用一个测试框架(TestNG 或 Junit),它提供了比参数化更多的功能。可能在开始时设置框架的一点努力会在您的测试代码增长时节省大量精力。
/* You can pass parameters by creating two classes.
The first class, which you can call Main Class, will be public static void.
It will contain code such as:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Parameters id = new Parameters(); //this is referring to second class
//this is the second class [separate page] - here you can declare int or string varibale as public [so you can share them with other class while defining them] -
//when you make this class - don't need to add public static void
public String x = "username"
//if you look at the first page, I'm passing this string in the main script
public class ReadExcel {
public String readData (String strSheetName, int strRowNo, int strCellNo) throws Exception {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("D:\\Selenium\\TestData.xlsx");
Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(fis);
Sheet sh = wb.getSheet(strSheetName);
Row rw = sh.getRow(strRowNo);
String val = rw.getCell(strCellNo).getStringCellValue();
return val;