我一直在尝试将用于编辑 rtf 文件的omnigroup 框架添加到我的本地iPad 应用程序中。但我总是收到诸如 OmniBase/OmniBase.h 之类的错误,找不到 OmniFoundation/OmniFoundation.h 文件。

我尝试在项目目标的构建设置中使用不同的设置组合。但没有奏效。我正在使用 Xcode 版本 4.2.1、Mac OS X:10.7 和 IOS 5 Lion OS。


1 回答 1


There's actually a lot of Xcode configuration involved in using the Omni frameworks. I recently went through the learning process myself and wrote a lengthy tutorial. My tutorial is centered around using OUIEditableFrame but it should be a good starting point for whatever part of the framework you're looking to use.

In a nutshell:

  1. Make sure you're including Omni's Configuration directory in your project.

  2. Add the required frameworks by adding the appropriate .xcodeproj files from Omni to your project. Many frameworks are dependent on other so all dependencies will need to be added.

  3. Add required libraries to the Link Binary with Libraries section of the Build Phases tab.

  4. Add required libraries to the Target Dependencies section of the Build Phases tab.

  5. Edit your Schema. Select Build and add the required libraries.

于 2013-06-27T21:44:24.957 回答