
我正在为培训目的创建一个 PHP 商店。我希望用户能够查看他下的最后一个订单 - 但我很难实现这一点。


客户(kid, name, address,...)
products (pid, product_name, product_description, price)
orders --> oid, Kid,payment, address, status
order_detail --> oid, date, pid, quantity)


function showOrder($kid)
$db = database();
$orders = $db->query ("SELECT * FROM orders
    INNER JOIN order_detail on orders.oid=order_detail.oid
    INNER JOIN products on order_detail.pid = products.pid
    WHERE kid='$kid' ");

$orders = $orders->fetchAll();

$lastoid = 0;
foreach($orders as $i){

    while($lastoid != $i['oid']) {
        $lastoid = $i['oid'];
        echo "Ordernr: ".$lastoid."<br/>";
        echo "Produktname: ".$i['product_name']."<br>";
        echo "Menge: ".$i['quantity']."<br/>";
        echo "Preis: ".$i['price']."<br/>";
        echo "Status: ".$i['status']."<br/>";
        echo "<br/><br/><hr/>";    

我想要做的:在表格中列出单个订单(--> oderid | 产品名称 | 数量 | 价格 | 状态)如果订单只包含一种产品,它就可以工作,但是如果订单变大(2 种产品),只显示第一个。

$database 看起来像这样:

[0] => Array
        [oid] => 1
        [0] => 1
        [kid] => 1
        [1] => 1
        [2] => 1
        [date] => 2012-04-17
        [3] => 2012-04-17
        [pid] => 1
        [4] => 1
        [quantity] => 2
        [5] => 2
        [payment] => Nachnahme
        [6] => Nachnahme
        [street] => teststraße
        [7] => teststraße
        [number] => 2
        [8] => 2
        [zip] => 2222
        [9] => 2222
        [city] => Teststadt
        [10] => Teststadt
        [status] => in Bearbeitung
        [11] => in Bearbeitung
        [12] => 1
        [product_name] => Acer Laptop
        [13] => Acer Laptop
        [price] => 29.00
        [14] => 29.00
        [details] => blabla
        [15] => blabla
        [category] => Laptop
        [16] => Laptop
        [date_added] => 2012-04-05
        [17] => 2012-04-05

[1] => Array
        [oid] => 1
        [0] => 1
        [kid] => 1
        [1] => 1
        [2] => 1
        [date] => 2012-04-17
        [3] => 2012-04-17
        [pid] => 2
        [4] => 2
        [quantity] => 2
        [5] => 2
        [payment] => Nachnahme
        [6] => Nachnahme
        [street] => teststraße
        [7] => teststraße
        [number] => 2
        [8] => 2
        [zip] => 2222
        [9] => 2222
        [city] => Teststadt
        [10] => Teststadt
        [status] => in Bearbeitung
        [11] => in Bearbeitung
        [12] => 2
        [product_name] => Grundig TV
        [13] => Grundig TV
        [price] => 22.00
        [14] => 22.00
        [details] => blabla

        [15] => blabla
        [category] => TV
        [16] => TV
        [date_added] => 2012-04-05
        [17] => 2012-04-05

[2] => Array
        [oid] => 1
        [0] => 1
        [kid] => 1
        [1] => 1
        [2] => 1
        [date] => 2012-04-17
        [3] => 2012-04-17
        [pid] => 7
        [4] => 7
        [quantity] => 1
        [5] => 1
        [payment] => Nachnahme
        [6] => Nachnahme
        [street] => teststraße
        [7] => teststraße
        [number] => 2
        [8] => 2
        [zip] => 2222
        [9] => 2222
        [city] => Teststadt
        [10] => Teststadt
        [status] => in Bearbeitung
        [11] => in Bearbeitung
        [12] => 7
        [product_name] => Nokia Handy
        [13] => Nokia Handy
        [price] => 69.00
        [14] => 69.00
        [details] => blabla
        [15] => blabla
        [category] => Handy
        [16] => Handy
        [date_added] => 2012-04-06
        [17] => 2012-04-06

[3] => Array
        [oid] => 2
        [0] => 2
        [kid] => 1
        [1] => 1
        [2] => 2
        [date] => 2012-04-17
        [3] => 2012-04-17
        [pid] => 8
        [4] => 8
        [quantity] => 1
        [5] => 1
        [payment] => Vorauskasse
        [6] => Vorauskasse
        [street] => musterstraße
        [7] => musterstraße
        [number] => 1
        [8] => 1
        [zip] => 1111
        [9] => 1111
        [city] => stadt
        [10] => stadt
        [status] => in Bearbeitung
        [11] => in Bearbeitung
        [12] => 8
        [product_name] => PC groß
        [13] => PC groß
        [price] => 66.00
        [14] => 66.00
        [details] => blabla
        [15] => blabla
        [category] => Computer
        [16] => Computer
        [date_added] => 2012-04-06
        [17] => 2012-04-06

2 回答 2


问题是您没有从产品表中选择。您的 select 查询只是orders.*,无非是 . 下的所有列orders table。解决方案是将产品列添加到您的选择查询中。我不太确定您为什么要明确使用内部联接,我的会是这样的:

select orders.*, products.* from orders,order_detail,products where 
orders.oid=order_detail.oid and order_detail.pid=products.pid and orders.kid=1


| oid | kid | pid | product_name |
|  1  |  1  |  1  | camera       |
|  1  |  1  |  2  | pants        |
于 2012-04-22T01:20:41.780 回答

您的代码进入 while 循环

$lastoid = 0;

它将运行第一个 while 循环,因为 $lastoid 不等于 $i['oid']。一个是零,另一个是一。在下一行中,您将 $i['oid'] 的值分配给 $lastoid。这使它们相等,您的 while 循环将停止。如果循环不会中断,那么您将拥有无穷无尽的相同信息行。在 while 循环中没有对下一个顺序的引用。


$lastoid = 1;
foreach($orders as $key => $value){

    if($lastoid == $value[$key]['oid']) {
        echo "Ordernr: ".$lastoid."<br/>";
        echo "Produktname: ".$i['product_name']."<br>";
        echo "Menge: ".$i['quantity']."<br/>";
        echo "Preis: ".$i['price']."<br/>";
        echo "Status: ".$i['status']."<br/>";
        echo "<br/><br/><hr/>";    
    } else {
        $lastoid = $value[$key+1]['oid'];
于 2013-05-13T11:49:23.837 回答