I have a DataFrame, say a volatility surface with index as time and column as strike. How do I do two dimensional interpolation? I can reindex but how do i deal with NaN? I know we can fillna(method='pad') but it is not even linear interpolation. Is there a way we can plug in our own method to do interpolation?


2 回答 2



In : df = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.random.randn(5,3), index=['a','c','d','e','g'])

In : df
          0         1         2
a -1.987879 -2.028572  0.024493
c  2.092605 -1.429537  0.204811
d  0.767215  1.077814  0.565666
e -1.027733  1.330702 -0.490780
g -1.632493  0.938456  0.492695

In : df2 = df.reindex(['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'])

In : df2
          0         1         2
a -1.987879 -2.028572  0.024493
b       NaN       NaN       NaN
c  2.092605 -1.429537  0.204811
d  0.767215  1.077814  0.565666
e -1.027733  1.330702 -0.490780
f       NaN       NaN       NaN
g -1.632493  0.938456  0.492695

In : df2.interpolate()
          0         1         2
a -1.987879 -2.028572  0.024493
b  0.052363 -1.729055  0.114652
c  2.092605 -1.429537  0.204811
d  0.767215  1.077814  0.565666
e -1.027733  1.330702 -0.490780
f -1.330113  1.134579  0.000958
g -1.632493  0.938456  0.492695


于 2012-05-05T19:16:19.813 回答

旧线程,但我认为我会与 2d 外推/插值分享我的解决方案,尊重索引值,这也可以按需工作。代码有点奇怪,所以让我知道是否有更好的解决方案:

import pandas
from   numpy import nan
import numpy

dataGrid = pandas.DataFrame({1: {1: 1, 3: 2},
                             2: {1: 3, 3: 4}})

def getExtrapolatedInterpolatedValue(x, y):
    global dataGrid
    if x not in dataGrid.index:
        dataGrid.ix[x] = nan
        dataGrid = dataGrid.sort()
        dataGrid = dataGrid.interpolate(method='index', axis=0).ffill(axis=0).bfill(axis=0)

    if y not in dataGrid.columns.values:
        dataGrid = dataGrid.reindex(columns=numpy.append(dataGrid.columns.values, y))
        dataGrid = dataGrid.sort_index(axis=1)
        dataGrid = dataGrid.interpolate(method='index', axis=1).ffill(axis=1).bfill(axis=1)

    return dataGrid[y][x]

print getExtrapolatedInterpolatedValue(2, 1.4)
于 2015-06-09T13:48:34.420 回答