I have 2 jsp-page. In first jsp-page I use combobox who choosing subject, several radio button for action. On servlet this page I get request.getParameter("subjectID")
Better If I show servlets and jsp
<form action="/TutorWebApp/controller" method="POST" name="editTestForm">
Choose subject
<select name='subject'>
<c:forEach items="${subjects}" var="subject" >
<option value="${subject.key}">
<input type="radio" name="command" value="add_test">
Add test <br />
<input type="radio" name="command" value="add_subject">
Add subject <br />
<input type="submit" value="OK"/>
In this page I choose subject from combobox. And choose "Add test". After I go to servlet where
class AddTestCommand implements Command {
private static final String PARAM_TEST_NAME = "testName";
private static final String PARAM_SUBJECT = "subject";
public String execute(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException, IOException {
String page = " ";
String message = " ";
String testName = request.getParameter(PARAM_TEST_NAME);
if (testName != null && (!"".equals(testName))) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
Integer userID = (Integer) session.getAttribute("userID");
Integer subjectId =
if(AddTestLogic.addTest(userID, subjectId, testName)){
message = "Success";
} else{
message = "This test already exist";
request.setAttribute("result", message);
page = ResourceBuilder.getPropertyManager(PropertyEnum.JSP_PAGE).
return page;
There I can get value of subject as request.getParameter("subject");
near with testName before if(){} And next step - go to next jsp
<form action="/TutorWebApp/controller" method="POST" name="addTestForm">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="add_test" />
Name of new test:
<input type="text" name="testName" value=""/>
<input type="submit" value="Add test"/>
An after input data in jsp I go to the same servlet again. But I lose value request.getParameter("subject").
I try to use HttpSession but on first page I send Map. And get with request just choosen subjectID from Map.
I don't know how resolve this problem. Thanks