I'm writing functions that take the checksum of two different things: one, a file; and two, an archive entry a la the BSD libarchive library. I borrowed the checksum code from GNU's coreutils.
My code for doing a checksum on a file reads from its source like this:
unsigned char buf[BUFLEN];
size_t bytes_read;
FILE *fp;
while ((bytes_read = fread (buf, 1, BUFLEN, fp)) > 0) { ... }
In my code for reading from an archive entry, the corresponding code looks like
struct archive *ar;
unsigned char buf[BUFLEN];
ssize_t bytes_read;
while ((bytes_read = archive_read_data(ar, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { ... }
As it stands, I'll have to have two different functions here, even though most of the code is the same. I don't quite see how to do it by passing a function pointer, since fread and archive_read_data don't even have the same number of arguments. (I guess I could start by using read(2) instead of fread(3), but I'm not sure that's a productive way to proceed.)
Is there a nice method to avoid code duplication here? Aside from trying to do it with function pointers, I could do it by putting the identical code pieces in separate files, then
'ing them, but that seems ugly.
In this particular example, the code for the functions isn't that long, so just going ahead and duplicating the code isn't that big a deal. I'm just wondering if an elegant solution exists.