I have just got hold of the following binaries because I want a nice way to parse CSV files in my Visual Studio 2010 C# project.

The binaries file includes a .dll, .xml and .chm file.

I linked the .dll into my project using the Add Reference option in the Project menu. Visual Studio recognises the class and it comes up as an option with IntelliSense, however, I cannot see the documentation in the .xml file within Visual Studio.

How do I see the documentation?


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要查看文档,请双击安装了 Windows 的 PC(这是现阶段您的唯一方法)。但是你必须先做一个步骤:

当您解压缩 CHM 时,仅显示 TOC,右侧信息面板为空白(未找到文件)。Microsoft 正试图保护您免受 CHM 文件的侵害(因为它们可以执行某些东西)。使用 Windows 内置的 Zip 支持,Windows 安全可能会尝试阻止您从 ZIP 查看 CHM。

解压缩 CHM 后,您需要右键单击它,选择属性并单击取消阻止按钮。

于 2013-10-23T18:12:40.953 回答