Put simply:

  1. top of stack ($esp) = 0xbffff49c.
  2. gdb executes ret instruction, which responds with Cannot access memory at address 0x90909094.

What reason would gdb be trying to access 0x90909094 when the value at the top of the stack is 0xbffff49c?

Random info (in case it's needed):

EAX: 0x5a ('Z')
EBX: 0xb7fbeff4 --> 0x15ed7c 
ECX: 0xbffff428 --> 0xb7fbf4e0 --> 0xfbad2a84 
EDX: 0xb7fc0360 --> 0x0 
ESI: 0x0
EDI: 0x0 
EBP: 0x90909090 
ESP: 0xbffff49c --> 0xbffff450 --> 0xdb31c031 
EIP: 0x80485dd (<greeting+113>: ret)
EFLAGS: 0x292 (carry parity ADJUST zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0x80485d0 <greeting+100>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x80487f4
   0x80485d7 <greeting+107>:    call   0x80483f0 <printf@plt>
   0x80485dc <greeting+112>:    leave  
=> 0x80485dd <greeting+113>:    ret    
   0x80485de <checkPassword>:   push   ebp
   0x80485df <checkPassword+1>: mov    ebp,esp
   0x80485e1 <checkPassword+3>: push   ebx
   0x80485e2 <checkPassword+4>: sub    esp,0x64
0000| 0xbffff49c --> 0xbffff450 --> 0xdb31c031 
0004| 0xbffff4a0 --> 0x0 
0008| 0xbffff4a4 --> 0xbffff564 --> 0xbffff6b2 ("/root/Desktop/CSCE_526/task1")
0012| 0xbffff4a8 --> 0x804876b (<__libc_csu_init+11>:   add    ebx,0x1351)
0016| 0xbffff4ac --> 0xb7fbeff4 --> 0x15ed7c 
0020| 0xbffff4b0 --> 0x8048760 (<__libc_csu_init>:  push   ebp)
0024| 0xbffff4b4 --> 0x0 
0028| 0xbffff4b8 --> 0xbffff538 --> 0x0 
gdb-peda$ n
Cannot access memory at address 0x90909094

I'm overflowing a buffer and trying to get it to execute some shellcode, but I'm not sure if those details are relevant considering the simplicity of the question: why is ret trying to access data not on the top of the stack?


1 回答 1



我相信leave确实如此esp = ebp,这是有道理的,因为它无法访问的地址是存储在 ebp 中的地址之后的一个字。


编辑:实际上我现在相信访问冲突发生在leave指令内部并且ret根本不会执行。leave也尝试过pop ebp,我认为存在访问冲突。

请参阅leave此处的一些信息:Why does leave do "mov esp,ebp" in x86 assembly?

于 2013-10-21T23:57:47.140 回答