I'm developing iPad international application.
I'm using methods NSLocalizableString to translate my application.
I have added keyword manually in my Localizable.strings in English and in French named "Orders" with value.
When I call my method NSLocalizableString with the keyword, it didn't found my keyword and don't apply the translation.
For keyword above and below, it's working perfectly.

Some code parts :

    /* Change datas */
    "ChangeDatas" =  "Modifier les données";
    /* Orders */
    "Orders" =  "Détails de votre commande";
    /* Label */
    "SomeLabel" =  "Label";
    //Work fine
    NSLog(@"My data translation : %@", NSLocalizedString(@"ChangeDatas", @"Change datas"));
    //Don't work
    NSLog(@"My orders translation : %@", NSLocalizedString(@"Orders", @"Orders"));

1 回答 1



使用该plutil命令检查您的 .strings 文件不会有什么坏处。

你确定你已经为你在运行时使用的相同语言/区域编辑了 .strings 文件吗?

于 2012-04-04T10:37:39.037 回答