问题标签 [zurb-foundation-5]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
zurb-foundation - 仅使用 Zurb Foundation 5 的大型数据均衡器?
有谁知道如何以及是否可以将数据均衡器限制为大或更高?我有 3 列在大视图中使用它,但在中视图和低视图中并不真正需要它。
html - 如何使 Foundation 5 兼容所有 IE 版本 >=8
我想让我的网站兼容 ie 大于 7 的所有版本。任何人都可以指导我这样做吗?我在下面包含了 js 文件,但仍然无法正常工作
ios - Foundation5 off canvas 无法在手机上点击
在我的 iPhone 上单击时,我无法让画布显示出来。我使用了基金会的相同代码,但它仍然不起作用。
php - Foundation 5 反馈表中的多封电子邮件
我是一个初学者,但我已经设法为我的网站整理了一份反馈表。我遇到的问题是表单发送了 2 封电子邮件而不是 1 封。关于导致此问题的任何想法?
css - Zurb Foundation Top-Bar Link Background not displaying correctly
I am using Zurb Foundation 5 in my app.
The settings file has been updated so that the top-bar will have a custom look and feel. The top-bar looks perfect but I can't seem to get the top-bar link backgrounds to play along.
My settings are as follows:
The top-bar has a Opaque white color, yet the links are presented with a black (dark) background.
I have tried the following as well:
- Setting the $topbar-link-* to transparent (Still Black)
- Manually setting $topbar-link-* to $topbar-bg-color (Now links have a white background but it's not Opaque)
Any ideas?
javascript - 基础 5:脚本意外结束
有一个问题 Unexpected end of script
我读到它说的地方,因为你错过了一个 });
结局,但这不是我的情况,因为我重新上传了 foundation.min.js
TypeError: undefined is not a function (评估'jQuery(document).foundation()')
当我开始使用 AWS 的 Cloudfront 时,这个问题也开始了(但我怀疑这可能是问题)
基础 5 行错误图像:
zurb-foundation-5 - Foundation Sticky-top-bar is NOT WORKING
I am creating a site with foundation 5. I have a page in which I would like a secondary navigation bar to scroll with the page until it reaches the bottom of the primary navigation, then snap into place and 'stick' while the user scrolls, effectively adding 'fixed' to the top-bar when it reaches that point. This functionality is described AND demonstrated exactly in the foundation documentation in the sticky top-bar section (see following link).
PROBLEM: I am unable to implement this behavior in my site, even if I copy and paste the sticky top-bar code directly from the working example in the above link. All other elements of top-bar are functioning and the console shows no errors. I have demonstrated the issue in a plunkr:
please help me understand the issue. Thank you in advance.
Foundation version: 5.5.0 jQuery: 2.1.0
Updated plunkr with proper links: http://plnkr.co/edit/8OPKh2sbSn6iq5aN6HF0
My issue was where I was calling
as this is an Angular application, I ended up calling it in
which worked.
html - Foundation 中的中心列组
下图解释了我想要实现的目标。总共 6 个单列 div,其中 5 个在整行居中,与第一列有 2.5 列的偏移量。
ruby - Rails 4:Link_to 中的 HTML 代码
我正在尝试完成此操作:http: //foundation.zurb.com/docs/components/alert_boxes.html
html - 如何反转、反转、悬停zurb基础中的图标?
如何反转、反转、否定(应该怎么称呼它?)Zurb Foundation 中的图标?