问题标签 [xctestcase]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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ios - XCUIElementQuery.matching(identifier:) 不适用于 UIImageView

我正在尝试实现一个非常简单的测试,但我坚持使用XCUIElementQuery.matching(identifier:)方法。我认为查询UIImageViews 没有按预期工作,但不知道为什么。


  1. 标签:使用 id: 'label' 启用可访问性的标签
  2. UIImageView:具有可访问性的 UIImageView 启用了 id: 'accept'


我在哪里查询这两个视图(带有 id 的标签和带有 idlabel的 UIImageView accept)。从这里:app简单地定义为像这样的类属性:let app = XCUIApplication()

所以,这就是屏幕的样子: 有 2 个项目的表

这意味着这个测试应该通过,因为屏幕上有两个staticTextidlabel和一个imageid acceptstaticTexts 已成功查询,但matching(identifier:)尝试image使用 id查询时失败accept在 ID 为“接受”的图像上测试失败


  • app.images.
  • app.tables.
  • app.tables.images.
  • app.tables.cells.images.
  • app.buttons.(也标记为Button辅助功能设置的特征部分)
  • app.staticTexts.(也标记为Static Text辅助功能设置的特征部分)


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ios - CGFloat Equatable 对于相同的值失败


XCTAssertEqual failed: ("1.4") is not equal to ("1.4") -


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ios - 在 RxSwift 中使用 Stub 提供程序进行注册验证的 XcTest 案例


每次进行注册测试时都会遇到 XCTAssertEqual failed: ("201") is not equal to ("200") 之类的错误。

  • 如何在不使用后端数据的情况下测试硬编码注册详细信息

  • 如何测试状态码对成功和失败的响应

任何帮助都应该不胜感激 - 谢谢

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ios - 如何在 UI 测试中的 tableview 单元格中单独访问两个开关(元素)

我正在 UI 测试我的项目屏幕之一。我有一个表格视图,其中一个单元格包含一个和两个开关。我可以通过以下方式轻松访问第一个单元格的开关(元素)





"Attributes: Application, 0x1c0380410, pid: 11294, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}, label: \'DummyProject\'\nElement subtree:\n →Application, 0x1c0380410, pid: 11294, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}, label: \'DummyProject\'\n Window, 0x1c03800d0, Main Window, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}\n Other, 0x1c0380270, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 2.5}}\n Other, 0x1c03804e0, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}\n NavigationBar, 0x1c0380680, traits: 35192962023424, {{0.0, 20.0}, {320.0, 44.0}}, identifier: \'Create a Stream\'\n Button, 0x1c03805b0, traits: 8589934593, {{8.0, 20.0}, {27.0, 44.0}}, label: \'back icon\'\n Other, 0x1c0380820, traits: 8590000128, {{86.5, 30.0}, {147.5, 24.0}}, label: \'Create a Stream\'\n Other, 0x1c0380750, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}\n Other, 0x1c03808f0, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}\n Table, 0x1c0380a90, traits: 35192962023424, {{0.0, 64.0}, {320.0, 504.0}}\n Cell, 0x1c0380b60, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 64.0}, {320.0, 153.0}}\n Button, 0x1c0380c30, traits: 8589934593, {{276.0, 75.0}, {33.0, 33.0}}, label: \'camera icon cover images\'\n TextField, 0x1c0380d00, traits: 146029150208, {{10.0, 164.0}, {300.0, 50.0}}, placeholderValue: \'Stream Name\'\n Image, 0x1c0380dd0, traits: 8589934596, {{0.0, 64.0}, {320.0, 153.0}}, identifier: \'add-stream-cover-image-placeholder\'\n Other, 0x1c0380ea0, traits: 8589934592, {{15.0, 216.5}, {305.0, 0.5}}\n Cell, 0x1c419e850, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 217.0}, {320.0, 170.0}}\n TextView, 0x1c43804e0, traits: 140746078552064, {{10.0, 261.0}, {300.0, 98.0}}\n StaticText, 0x1c4380680, traits: 8589934656, {{10.0, 242.0}, {300.0, 17.0}}, label: \'Stream Caption\'\n Other, 0x1c43805b0, traits: 8589934592, {{15.0, 386.5}, {305.0, 0.5}}\n Cell, 0x1c4380750, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 387.0}, {320.0, 60.0}}\n Switch, 0x1c4380820, traits: 9007207844675585, {{263.0, 401.5}, {49.0, 31.0}}, label: \'Make Private Stream\', value: 0\n StaticText, 0x1c43808f0, traits: 8589934656, {{10.0, 408.5}, {138.0, 17.0}}, label: \'Make Private Stream\'\n Other, 0x1c43809c0, traits: 8589934592, {{15.0, 446.5}, {305.0, 0.5}}\n Cell, 0x1c4380a90, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 447.0}, {320.0, 80.0}}\n Switch, 0x1c4380b60, traits: 9007207844675585, {{263.0, 449.0}, {49.0, 31.0}}, label: \'Add Collaborators, Any one can edit\', value: 0\n Switch, 0x1c4380c30, traits: 9007207844675585, {{263.0, 494.0}, {49.0, 31.0}}, label: \'Add Collaborators, Any one can edit\', value: 0\n StaticText, 0x1c4380d00, traits: 8589934656, {{10.0, 456.0}, {138.0, 17.0}}, label: \'Add Collaborators\'\n StaticText, 0x1c4380dd0, traits: 8589934656, {{10.0, 501.0}, {138.0, 17.0}}, label: \'Any one can edit\'\n Other, 0x1c4380ea0, traits: 8589934592, {{10.0, 487.0}, {300.0, 0.0}}\n Other, 0x1c4380f70, traits: 8589934592, {{10.0, 487.0}, {300.0, 0.0}}\n CollectionView, 0x1c4381040, traits: 35192962023424, {{24.0, 487.0}, {273.0, 0.0}}\n Image, 0x1c0380f70, traits: 8589934596, {{291.5, 448.0}, {2.5, 36.0}}\n Image, 0x1c0381040, traits: 8589934596, {{26.5, 481.5}, {265.0, 2.5}}\n Other, 0x1c0381110, traits: 8589934592, {{15.0, 526.5}, {305.0, 0.5}}\n Cell, 0x1c03811e0, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 527.0}, {320.0, 80.0}}\n Switch, 0x1c03812b0, traits: 9007207844675585, {{104.5, 561.5}, {49.0, 31.0}}, label: \'Collaborators can, Add Content, Add People\', value: 0\n Switch, 0x1c0381380, traits: 9007207844675585, {{263.0, 561.5}, {49.0, 31.0}}, label: \'Collaborators can, Add Content, Add People\', value: 0\n StaticText, 0x1c0381450, traits: 8589934656, {{10.0, 536.0}, {84.0, 17.0}}, label: \'Collaborators can\'\n StaticText, 0x1c0381520, traits: 8589934656, {{10.0, 568.5}, {88.0, 17.0}}, label: \'Add Content\'\n StaticText, 0x1c03815f0, traits: 8589934656, {{167.0, 568.5}, {88.0, 17.0}}, label: \'Add People\'\n Other, 0x1c03816c0, traits: 8589934592, {{15.0, 606.5}, {305.0, 0.5}}\n Cell, 0x1c0381790, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 607.0}, {320.0, 80.0}}\n Other, 0x1c0381860, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 64.0}, {305.0, 0.5}}\n Button, 0x1c0381930, traits: 8589934593, {{0.0, 64.0}, {137.0, 45.0}}, label: \'done button\'\n Window, 0x1c0381a00, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}\n Other, 0x1c0381ad0, traits: 8589934592, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}\n Window, 0x1c0381ba0, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}\n StatusBar, 0x1c0381c70, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 20.0}}\n Other, 0x1c0381d40, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 20.0}}\n Other, 0x1c0381e10, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 20.0}}\n Other, 0x1c0381ee0, traits: 8388608, {{6.0, 0.0}, {41.0, 20.0}}, label: \'No SIM\'\n Other, 0x1c0381fb0, traits: 8388608, {{52.0, 0.0}, {15.0, 20.0}}, label: \'3 of 3 Wi-Fi bars\', value: SSID\n Other, 0x1c0382080, traits: 8389120, {{138.0, 0.0}, {49.0, 20.0}}, label: \'7:49 PM\'\n Other, 0x1c0382150, traits: 8388608, {{280.0, 0.0}, {35.0, 20.0}}, label: \'100% battery power, Charging\'\nPath to element:\n →Application, 0x1c0380410, pid: 11294, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}, label: \'DummyProject\'\nQuery chain:\n →Find: Target Application 0x1c02a1c80\n Output: {\n Application, 0x1c0380410, pid: 11294, {{0.0, 0.0}, {320.0, 568.0}}, label: \'DummyProject\'\n }\n"

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xcode - 获取在 Xcode UI 测试中执行的每个测试用例的结果

在我的 Xcode 测试套件中执行每个测试用例后,我需要测试状态。我知道观察者可以帮助实现它。但是我如何在我的测试中使用它呢?

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ios - 检查视图控制器是否通过动画成功关闭

我对 iOS 开发人员非常陌生,我正在尝试为一个类编写一个单元测试用例。它只有一个名为 homeButtonTouched() 的方法,可以通过动画关闭视图控制器。我该如何为此编写单元测试?这就是班级的样子。

这是我到目前为止在我的测试课上写的。我只需要填写 testHomeButtonTouched() 方法。

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swift - XCTest UITests 在应用程序启动时失败并出现过期令牌错误

我有几天无法运行 UI 测试。应用程序启动部分出错时失败




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objective-c - 在测试套件在 XCTest 中完成运行后执行操作

在我的测试套件中的所有测试完成运行后,我需要进行 API 调用。我知道该方法testSuiteDidFinish(_ testSuite: XCTestSuite),该方法确实在测试套件执行后被调用,但是它被调用的次数与我拥有的测试用例的数量一样多。在我的测试套件中,我有三个测试用例。我在测试类中添加了一个观察者。在我的观察者课上,这就是我所拥有的:


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ios - Swift: XCTest Class 'FirstDemoTests' has no initializers

I have the following code (trying to avoid implicit unwrapping):

But I'm getting the following error:

I fixed with this:

Would be a issue using init() in XCTest class?
I'm using Swift 4, Xcode 9.2.

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swift - 如何用 XCTestCases 实现异步任务依赖?


假设我有一些需要调用的登录 web 服务,并且应该调用另一个配置文件 web 服务的响应。

是否可以在 iOS 中使用单元测试来测试上述场景?
