问题标签 [xcode7.3]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
ios - Swift 2.2 泛型 (Xcode 7.3) 的问题
我对 Swift 2.2 (Xcode 7.3) 感到沮丧。要模拟它,只需在用户定义的通用类中创建一个变量,然后从其他地方引用该类。例如:
如果您将在运行 iOS 7 的设备(在我的情况下为 iPhone 4)上运行此代码,它会在尝试创建泛型类型的变量时崩溃。以下是设备崩溃日志的第一行:
在 iOS 8 和 9 模拟器/设备上,上面的代码可以正常工作。
Swift 对 iOS 7 的支持会在不久的将来放弃吗?
autocomplete - Xcode 7.3 autocomplete issues
I've got some issues with the new autocomplete of Xcode 7.3
When I import a class, the class won't show up in autocomplete. Even more annoying, when an imported class contains a typedef NS_ENUM, the possible values won't show up either. In both cases, when I manually enter the class name or enum value, that perticular value will show up the next time, but for the possible enum values, all other values still won't show.
Further, I've noticed the autocomplete isn't ordered (alphabetically) anymore.. So, for example, when I've got a class with initializers in the .h file:
when I start typing "-(instancetype)init" in the .m file, the autocomplete will show the first initializer, followed by about 14 autocompletions that doesn't even relate to it by far and then (finally) the second initializer...
Is there a way to use 7.3 (or at least the SDKs within it) but switch back to the old (but very lovely, and working) autocomplete feature from 7.2?
ios - Swift - 下标 sort() 的模糊使用 - Xcode 7.3
我已将我的 Xcode 更新到与 iOS 9.3 兼容的 7.3 版。我的 sort() 方法let sortArr = saveDeals?.sort({ $1[2] as! String > $0[2] as! String});
objective-c - Xcode 7.3 更新后构建失败
注意:没有 Pods.framework 问题。
ld:在“/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIFoundation.framework/UIFoundation”中,缺少架构armv7的文件/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIFoundation.framework/UIFoundation(2片)所需的架构armv7 clang:错误:链接器命令失败退出代码 1(使用 -v 查看调用)
swift - 将函数泛型参数约束为关联类型
为什么这会失败并显示以下内容:Inheritance from non-protocol, non-class type
ios - 编译 ZXingObjC 代码以生成 QRCode 时出现 Xcode 7.3 错误
我正在使用 ZXingObjC 库在可能的应用程序中创建和读取 QRCode,并且工作正常。
最近我将 Xcode 更新到 7.3(7D175) 并创建了一个新项目并导入了相同的文件以生成 QRCode。但是现在我无法编译该项目并且遇到了很多错误。
有人可以帮我解决这些错误吗?任何的想法 ???