问题标签 [xcode7.3]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
swift - Swift #selector referencing to an Objective-C method
As it possible to conclude in swift 2.2 version it will be possible to reference to the Objective-C method via #selector.
#xA;So previously we wear using name of the method like simple string : "doBangBang"
and call it Selector("doBangBang")
and now we should use it like reference to the method MyClass.doBangBang()
and with usage of key word #selector(MyClass.doBangBang())
? Does this feature deprecate Selector
? And what benefits are from this improvments except of reducing amount of the functions that were perform with wrong name?
ios - Xcode 7.3 调试器不显示自定义类变量
我最近更新到 Xcode 7.3,但是在断点调试时,对象显示在调试区域中,但单击三角形以显示变量没有任何作用。
Xcode 7.2 我从来没有遇到过这样的问题。
我的项目中还有一个 Cocoa-pod Facebook Pop 库(以防它相关)。自从升级到 Xcode 7.3 后,我已经对其进行了更新。
更新 :
更具体地说,我无法扩展自定义类变量,但像 NSRange 这样的变量确实会扩展以显示位置和长度,但是我无法扩展我的自定义 ViewController 类等。
swift - 'init(start:end:)' 已弃用:它将在 Swift 3 中删除。使用 '..<' 运算符
自从更新到 Xcode 7.3 (Swift 2.2) 我得到了以下提示:
'init(start:end:)' 已弃用:它将在 Swift 3 中删除。使用 '..<' 运算符。
对我来说,不清楚如何使用“使用 '..<' 运算符正确“翻译”它。
ios - “表达式列表中的预期表达式”
我正在尝试使用一些代码来制作使用 Xcode 7.3 和 Swift 2.2 的初学者应用程序,但我一直遇到同样的问题。我以前使用过类似的代码,但这不起作用。出现的错误消息是“预期的','分隔符”,当我修复它时,同样的消息会一次又一次地出现。我还得到“表达式列表中的预期表达式”和“调用中参数'action'的参数缺失”。它们都是由同一行引起的
ios - Xcode 7.3 Syntax Highlighting and Code Completion issues with Swift
I am having an extremely frustrating issue with XCode 7.3 (however, this issue has persisted since I installed XCode 7.2) and Swift code, and I am hoping others have had this issue and know how to resolve it. Syntax highlighting and code completion work perfectly fine in Objective-C files, and also works fine when calling other Swift objects within Swift code. However, any Objective-C objects or methods mentioned in Swift code get no syntax highlighting, and XCode will not complete ANY Objective-C declared methods or properties. Everything compiles and runs just fine.
I should also add that I have also tried doing a completely clean install of XCode. I deleted all my derived data, deleted all XCode caches, and deleted my XCode preferences files (in addition to obviously deleting the XCode.app archive before re-installing).
It is making it extremely difficult to develop in Swift. I don't want to do this, but if I can't find a way to resolve this I'll be forced to go back to using Objective-C.
autocomplete - Xcode 7.3 自动完成功能太令人沮丧了
Xcode 中有一个新的自动完成功能。可能很有用,因为它不仅检查名称的开头等。但我发现它经常找不到类名或常量名等。我需要自己输入全名。总而言之,我发现它让我的生活更加艰难,编码更加耗时。有没有办法切换到以前的工作方式?
xcode - xcode 7.3 在我的手表中找不到一瞥
我将我的Xcode更新到7.3,当我打开我的手表应用程序时,我发现我的视线无法在Apple Watch中显示,我在我的iphone模拟器上打开我的手表并且再也找不到“显示视线”选项了。。。我创建了一个空的手表项目(带有一瞥),但在我的手表中仍然找不到“一瞥”
swift2 - 在 iOS 9.2 和 watchOS 2.1 中使用 Swift 2.2?
现在Swift 2.2 / iOS 9.3 / watchOS 2.2
已经发布了,我可以使用设备更新应用程序Xcode 7.3
并且仍然可以在iOS 9.2
上崩溃吗?iOS 9.2