问题标签 [wowza]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
ant - 执行bat文件并返回提示
我有一个 Cruisecontrol 的问题,其中一个 ant 脚本执行一个 bat 文件,但它没有给我提示。结果,在我重新启动 Cruisecontrol 之前,Cruisecontrol 中的项目一直在不断增长。我该如何解决这个问题?
这是我正在执行的 wowza (Streaming Server) 的 startup.bat:
ruby-on-rails - 那里有任何 Ruby AMF 客户端吗?
我正在寻找一种在 Ruby(Rails) 中推送/接收 AMF0 / AMF3 消息的方法。
从我读到的 rubyAMF 只能充当服务器。
我需要的是一个允许客户端访问 FMS/Wowza 的库。
video - 安全的流式 CDN 视频内容
我正在使用 Amazon CloudFront 向我的用户流式传输付费视频内容,但在确保视频安全时遇到了问题。Wowza 通过创建一个安全令牌来做到这一点,但使用 wowza 的成本要高得多。
无论如何,我可以通过使用 Cloudfront 或其他 CDN 更好地保护我的内容吗?
android - 使用 RTSP 流式传输视频:Android
我正在尝试在我的 Linux 机器上安装 Wowza 服务器,以便为我的 Android 应用程序启用 RTSP 流。
在 Android 客户端,我需要在我的应用程序中进行哪些更改?我正在使用 Videoview 来简单地播放本地存储的视频文件。
actionscript-3 - Flash 网络摄像头权限
我遇到了闪存问题,我不太熟悉。我将这段代码基于视频聊天示例中 wowza 媒体服务器附带的代码,但与该示例不同,flash 不会提示我是否允许使用摄像机。
在 Flash CS5 中调试应用程序时收到的日志:
尝试使用 URL D:\development\qanda\qandaHost.swf
[SWF] D:\development\qanda\qandaHost.swf 启动并连接到 Player - 解压后 3583 字节
nc: NetConnection.Connect.Success (连接成功。 )
android - Android RTSP 流式传输失败
我已经在我的 ubuntu 框中为 RTSP 流媒体视频文件设置了 wowza 流媒体服务器。当我在客户端安装 Totem 视频播放器时,视频可以完美播放。相同的 url 或视频无法在 android 设备上运行,并且尝试访问该 rtsp url 的应用程序因 Mediaplayer 错误 (1,-1) 而中断。
apache-flex - Wowza + Flex 不能再现整个音频
我正在编写一个 flex 应用程序,它必须录制音频然后播放。它录制得很好,我可以听到服务器上的flv,但是在播放时它会减少一点,每次我要求再次播放时它都会减少一点。会是什么?我想这与缓冲区管理有关,但我不确切知道。有什么想法吗?
ipad - Streaming of different video scenes to the iPad
as a background: I am developing an application for the iPad where users can browse videos that are provided by us. When a user picks a video it will then launch an MPMoviePlayerController - which works fine (besides I get no video for the first 10 seconds, of which I have no idea why).
Now, users should be able to search for specific scenes - like, say, "foo talks to bar". I'm getting a list like "video A, seconds 23-42, video B, seconds, 56 to 89, F, seconds 1912-1989". Now I want to play all of these scenes in a row.
The videos are originally MPEG2 videos which I transcoded to H.264 in an MPEG2 container, like Apple demands it, and split them via the mediafilesegmenter to different chunks.
To play those videos my first idea was to dynamically generate an .m3u8 playlist (HTTP progressive streaming is forbidden for videos over ten minutes of length) via a CGI script that contains the chunks of the individual videos I want to play. Unfortunately, this only works for the first chunk - when the second chunk gets played audio and video disappear; I suspect that's a timestamp issue because the segments are not continous.
My next idea was to cut and arrange the videos entirely in the backend, passing them to like VLC (which would save me the whole transcoding from MPEG2 to H.264 beforehand) and pipe them to mediastreamsegmenter. That works well, the disadvantage is that the user cannot seek in the video.
Finally, I tried to start several MPMoviePlayerControllers in a row - one for each video. Unfortunately the delay for buffering, etc. between the individual scenes is way too long - it sometimes even exceeds the scene's length.
If anyone has an idea how to solve that (or could tell me whether what I'm trying to do is even possible) I'd appreciate any suggestions.
flash - 使用 Flash Player 和 Wowza Media Server 生成视频
我目前正在用 Flash 创建白板,我希望能够记录所有用户交互以供以后回放。是否有可能以某种方式创建用户正在绘制的视频?
actionscript-3 - 同步两个 AS3 NetStream
我现在在想,由于我录制的音频只是单声道,我可以在第二个立体声轨道上放置某种“控制信号”,我可以用它来准确确定声音何时开始录制(或粘贴整个背景)跟踪该频道,以便我可以以这种方式同步它们)。这给我留下了将声音正确注入 NetStream 的新问题。