问题标签 [webvtt]
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html - 带有 HTML5 的音频字幕
<audio src="../audio/myaudio.mp3" controls>
<track default srclang="en" kind="captions" label="English subtitles" src="sub.vtt"/>
.vtt 文件的路径正确。该<track>
我的 .vtt 文件包含类似
javascript - HTML 5(轨道元素)- Youtube 上未显示字幕
我正在用 ReactJS 编写一个 chrome 扩展,允许用户在 Youtube 上插入字幕。我一直在尝试使用 track 元素在 Youtube 上插入字幕,但它不起作用。
Youtube 有以下元素:
我设法用这个函数注入了一个 track 元素:
文件与上面代码的 javascript 文件位于同一文件夹中。当代码在 Youtube 上加载时,我收到“加载的字幕”消息,但字幕不会出现。
我尝试将 track.src URL 更改为gist,尝试使用以下命令启动本地服务器
如此处所示,并在此处提出建议,以便我可以将 track.src URL 更改为http://localhost:8000/subtitle.vtt。两种解决方案均无效。
youtube-dl - 如何将 WebVTT 格式转换为纯文本?
这是 WebVTT 的示例
我使用youtube-dl从 YouTube 上抓取它。
javascript - HTML5 Audio track oncuechange speed too slow
I have a page that embeds a mp3 audio file along with associated <track kind="subtitles">
.vtt file containing the subtitles which I loop through and load in to divs on the page.
I have a simple fs function to change the formatting of the relevant subtitle as the audio plays - think of it is a karaoke player, highlighting each line as it needs to be sung:
#xA;I have noticed occasional and inconsistent delays on the formatting updates which is not desirable for my purpose. In posting audio player timings to to the console trying to figure out what might be causing it I get the following example:
#xA;Hunting around online I have found a couple of references to oncuechange being checked only a few times per second - If this is the case then presumably the longer delays I am seeing are a case of bad timing in conjunction with a system clock and explains the inconsistency.
While I don't need absolutely perfect timings for the event being actioned, if I could get the event being checked more frequently (say every 0.1/s) to reduce the unpredictability then that would be great!
So to the question: Is there a way to A. Increase the frequency of event checks? Or B. Do this differently so that the event timings are more accurate?
Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.
Edited: 01/10/2018 - Additional info and adding html5 / jQuery tags
Inspired by this SO thread I tried a page timer that checked for the active cue ID changing and posting the results into the console:
#xA;In this test a majority of the new test logs occurred immediately after the oncuechange events. Occasionally it would beat the oncuechange but only by a fraction and not enough to make a difference (see last subtitle timing). I initially has the cueTick delay set to 100, then dropped it to 50, 10 and finally 1 without any noticeable difference in the results:
#xA;So still no progress - or at least not enough to consider implementing this different method. Any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance
swift - 在 tvOS/swift 上切换 hls 的字幕
我正在为我的 tvOSApp 使用 Swift 的 AVplayer。
这是我的 AVPlayer 代码。
我阅读了有关 AVPlayer/AVPlayerItem 的文档,但没有得到任何答复。如果有人可以提供帮助,我将不胜感激。
html - .vtt 字幕未显示在 Chrome 中的视频上
我正在尝试创建带有 .vtt 字幕的(.mp4 格式)视频。唯一出现在屏幕上的是视频中心的一两条黑线,字幕应该是,并且仅在 Chrome 上。它在例如 Edge 中运行良好。他们为什么不出现?文件被上传到服务器。
.vtt 文件(示例):
text - 如何在直播中使用 FFMpeg 将 dvb 字幕转换为文本格式,或者如何优化 dvb 刻录过程?
我正在研究从任何格式到 HLS 的 hls 转码器,我需要同时使用“dvbsub”格式对多个字幕进行编码,目的是让解释 m3u8 HLS 播放列表的客户选择。
主要问题是以这种方式将每个 dvbsub 刻录到实时视频流中:
是一项非常占用 CPU 资源的任务。(我在同一个流中有 8 个或更多 dvbsub)。
有谁知道如何将每个 dvbsub 转换为文本格式(例如 webvtt),或者是否有办法优化流程?(我尝试使用 NVIDIA gpu 执行此刻录过程,但没有取得任何改进)
我读到了可以完成任务的 OCR 程序,但经过几天的研究,我仍然不知道该怎么做。
编辑:输入是实时 UDP 信号。我需要即时进行转换。
php - PHP Regex for .vtt files
I am looking to loop through existing .vtt files and read the cue data into a database.
The format of the .vtt files are:
Originally I was trying to use ^
and $
to be quite regimented with the lines along the lines of: /^(\w*)$^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d{2,3}) --> (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d{2,3})$^(.+)$/ims
but I struggled to get this working in the regex checker and resorted to using \s
to deal with line start/ends.
Currently I am using the following regex: /(.*)\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d{2,3}) --> (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d{2,3})\s(.+)/im
This partially works using online regex checkers like: https://regex101.com/r/mmpObk/3 (this example does not pick up multi-line subtitles, but does get the first line which at this point is good enough for my purpose as all subtitles are currently 1 liners). However if I put this into php (preg_match_all("/(.*)\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d{2,3}) --> (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d{2,3})\s(.+)/mi", $fileData, $matches)
) and dump the results I get an array of empty arrays.
What might be different between the online regex and php?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
EDIT--- Below is a dump of $fileData and a dump of $matches: