问题标签 [webflow]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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javascript - 如果 Slider Class 处于活动状态/可见,则更改 Body 类

我有一个 Webflow 滑块(可能与任务无关),如果存在具有“switch-nav”类的特定幻灯片,则需要更改“body”的类。目前我已经尝试了各种方法,许多人最初会添加 body 类,但是当带有“switch-nav”类的滑块消失时不会删除它/我们移动到下一张没有该类的幻灯片。这是一般幻灯片标记:-


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css - 使视频 iFrame 响应式

我在这个问题上待了几天,似乎没有什么对我有用。我正在 WebFlow 上构建这个网页,我也尝试过直接编辑 CSS。

案例#1:http ://take.ms/UINVb

案例#2:http ://take.ms/Wc6BN

案例#3:http ://take.ms/ZV5Hr


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jquery - Paypal Button Error - AMOUNT_ERROR - Multi-Options

Hello I am a developer who is new to developing for PayPal, and I've been handed a legacy application/website that has been running successfully for several years. Unfortunately, the person who was responsible for developing this website was not a strong believer in the value of documentation or future-proofing. I have had to make several major leaps of faith on the logic between sections of this ASP.NET MVC application and its calls to its supporting database.

But more to the point, the website has been utilizing PayPal buttons and its IPN functionality to communicate with a database for years. In those cases, we've only ever had a single product, associated with a single button ID. However, in the last month I've been asked to start supporting options as well so that users can select if they want certain things along with the product to modify their 'end price'.

The old section of the website that was serialized and submitted via jquery/javascript looked like this:

The changes that I've made were based on a new test button I created on the company's account which had the following fragment:

So I added the following to the previous section to try to support that.

However, upon testing and attempting to retrieve the product that I'm 'buying' Paypal gives me a screen that says

"Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later."

With a URL that ends with code=AMOUNT_ERROR

As I said , these forms appear to be submitted in javascript/Jquery, and more specifically in a webflow.js document, using submit().

Anybody have a guess as to why I'm receiving this error? Perhaps I should be rearranging the format of the form more substantially to be in line with the structure of the example button? Or maybe I should use os0 as a name for the item in the form instead of on0? I would contact PayPal support directly, but that is quite difficult to do, given that I don't own the account that I am supporting, and the person who does own it is hard to get on hand for a substantial stretch of time.

Edit: Sorry guys, I found it. It was the name of value I serialized that was wrong. Paypal couldn't figure it out. What I should have named that field was os0 and not on0.

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spring - Spring Webflow 数组列表

我的网站上有一个表单,它询问用户信息(如姓名、地址等),主要是字符串、一个 int 和一个 ArrayList。我使用 Spring webflow 主要是为了允许查看视图状态,以便用户可以返回并编辑字段,并且因为我也使用了一些其他表单,所以我试图保持我的代码一致。

我遇到的问题是我的 Arraylist。我希望用户最多可以添加 10 位医生(姓名、保单编号、专业),但我不断收到 BeanException 和错误消息,表明我的列表为空。当我单击评论按钮转到下一个视图时,页面将重新加载并抛出我在底部发布的错误。

这是我的 spring webflow 的一部分: 在视图 PracticeReviewRequest 我用一个新的 Arraylist 实例化我的 arrayList

这是我的 Object practiceReviewRequest 的艺术

@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) 公共类 PracticeReviewRequestImpl 实现 IPracticeReviewRequest, Serializable {


这是我的医师对象: public class PracticeReviewRequestPhysicianImpl implements IPracticeReviewRequestPhysician, Serializable {


这是我的 .ftl 的一部分(为了解决这个问题,我只硬编码一个外业医师 [0].name,而不是使用我的 JS 函数循环医师 [i].name 等......)(这就是全部在包含隐藏输入类型 flowExecutionKey 的表单标签内)

这是我在我的 tomcat 中看到的错误消息。

2018-04-12 11:00:15,916 调试 springframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapper:源 [org.springframework.webflow.core.collection.LocalParameterMap] 和目标 [org.tmlt.data.model.impl 之间的开始映射.PracticeReviewRequestImpl] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,923 调试pringframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapping:添加映射结果[TargetAccessError@c60ad7映射=参数:'执行'->执行,代码='propertyNotFound',错误= true,errorCause = org.springframework.binding.expression.PropertyNotFoundException:找不到属性, originalValue = 'e7s1',mappedValue = [null]] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,924 调试 pringframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapping : 添加映射结果 [Success@122d6f5 mapping = parameter:'submitName' -> submitName, code = 'success', error = false,originalValue = 'Test', mappedValue = 'Test'] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,924 调试pringframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapping:添加映射结果[Success@6ced27 mapping = parameter:'policyType' -> policyType , code = 'success', error = false, originalValue = 'Yes', mappedValue = 'Yes'] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,925 DEBUG pringframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapping: 添加映射结果[Success@ 769c4 映射 = 参数:'groupName' -> groupName,code = 'success',error = false,originalValue = 'Tset', mappedValue = 'Tset'] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,925 DEBUG pringframework.binding.mapping .impl.DefaultMapping: 添加映射结果 [Success@ae3690 mapping = parameter:'policyNumber' -> policyNumber, code = 'success', error = false,originalValue = 'SEt1', mappedValue = 'SEt1'] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,925 DEBUG pringframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapping:添加映射结果 [Success@1ded18e mapping = parameter:'physNum' -> physNum , code = 'success', error = false, originalValue = '1', mappedValue = '1'] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,925 DEBUG pringframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapping: 添加映射结果 [TargetAccessError@ 1c1147映射=参数:'physicians[0].name'->医师[0].name,code ='evaluationException',error = true,errorCause = org.springframework.binding.expression.EvaluationException:设置值时发生BeansException上下文 [class org.tmlt.data.model.impl.PracticeReviewRequestImpl] 到 [Ttest] 上的表达式 'physicians[0].name',originalValue = 'Ttest', mappedValue = [null]] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,926 DEBUG pringframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapping: 添加映射结果 [TargetAccessError@1461909 mapping = null -> eventId_review, code = 'propertyNotFound', error = true,errorCause = org.springframework.binding.expression.PropertyNotFoundException:找不到属性,originalValue = [null],mappedValue =enter code here[null]] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,927 调试 springframework.binding.mapping.impl.DefaultMapper:完成源 [org.springframework.webflow.core.collection.LocalParameterMap] 和目标 [org.tmlt.data 之间的映射.model.impl.PracticeReviewRequestImpl]; 总映射 = 8;错误总数 = 3 2018-04-12 11:00:15,927 DEBUG g.springframework.webflow.mvc.view.AbstractMvcView:模型绑定导致错误;将错误消息添加到上下文 2018-04-12 11:00:15,931 DEBUG ingframework.binding.message.DefaultMessageContext:使用 [DefaultMessageResolver@dc00ab 源 = 'physicians[0].name',严重性 = 错误,代码 = 数组 [ 'practiceReviewForm.physicians[0].name.evaluationException'、'practiceReviewForm.physicians.name.evaluationException'、'physicians[0].name.evaluationException'、'physicians.name. URL [/MyTMLT/templates/components/mytmlt/myTMLTComponent.ftl]] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,934 调试 org.springframework.webflow.engine.ViewState:Flash 范围 = map[[empty]] 2018-04- 12 11:00:15,934 调试 org.springframework.webflow.engine.ViewState:Messages = [DefaultMessageContext@19f94a4 sourceMessages = map[[null] -> list[[empty]],'physicians[0].name' -> list [[Message@17402e3 source = 'physicians[0].name',severity = ERROR,text = 'evaluationException on doctors[0].name']]]] 2018-04-12 11:00:15,935 调试 g.springframework .webflow.mvc.view.AbstractMvcView: 渲染 MVC [info.magnolia.module.blossom.view.TemplateView: name '/components/risk/practiceReview'; URL [/MyTMLT/templates/components/mytmlt/myTMLTComponent.ftl]] 与模型图 [{currentUser=null, viewScope=map[[empty]], riskpracticereviewrequest-flow', flowSessions = list[[FlowSessionImpl@ec7f63 flow = 'riskpracticereviewrequest-flow', state = 'practiceReviewRequest', scope = map['viewScope' -> map[[empty]], 'componentTemplatePath' -> '/ MyTMLT/templates/components/risk/practiceReview.ftl', 'pageDescription' -> '请填写下面的表格以提交您的实践审查请求。', 'practiceReviewForm' -> org.tmlt.data.model.impl。 PracticeReviewRequestImpl@174ec05]]]]], org.springframework.validation.BindingResult.practiceReviewForm=org.springframework.webflow.mvc.view.BindingModel: 1 错误字段 'physicians[0].name' 上的对象'practiceReviewForm' 中的字段错误: 拒绝值 [null]; 代码 []; 论据 []; 默认消息 [evaluationException on doctors[0]。


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javascript - Firebase 重定向到空白页面

我正在使用 webflow 构建一个网站,并且正在添加身份验证。我已经设法添加了所有基本代码来启用电子邮件登录。用户成功登录后出现问题,当我专门将主页添加为重定向站点(在“signInSuccessUrl”之后指定)时,导致重定向到空白页面。有谁知道为什么会这样?




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css - 似乎优化的css代码,

我很好奇这段代码的作用。我在一个网站上找到了它,我想知道它是否与设备优化有关。它似乎通过所有设备影响整个页面。尤其是说“@media screen and (min-width:992px)”的部分。

我知道这是 css,但它似乎是使页面可通过所有设备优化的聪明代码。它位于本网站https://preview.webflow.com/preview/uniqlo-responsive?preview=aacb16f7eb6a5df89780c3f5bbee094d的 html 中。您可以进入那里并双击嵌入的 html,代码将在那里。

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jquery - 使用 Webflow 向 Pardot 提交 AJAX 表单

我将发布对此处提出的另一个问题的跟进:Simulate a JSONP response with JavaScript URLs。我结合了 nickjag 的回答,并在最后被卡住了。

我成功地获得了提交传递给 Pardot,我在每个循环中使用了一点来获取所有表单名称和值:

我在 webflow 中创建了两个页面,在页面的自定义代码部分中将以下内容作为自定义脚本:

正如我在潜在客户数据库中看到的测试一样,该表单肯定会击中 Pardot 并传递数据,但我在 Chrome 中收到控制台错误:未捕获的语法错误:意外的令牌 < 从它出现的成功页面返回。看起来我应该做的是基于 Pardot 命中的页面,然后运行一个函数来显示或隐藏 Webflow 成功/失败消息。



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javascript - 我的 Javascript 动画无法正常工作。接收类型错误:r 未定义

我正在将网站从 Webflow 转换为 Wordpress,由于某种原因,我无法让我的脚本正确执行我的动画。在查看开发人员的控制台时,我只收到一个错误TypeError: r is undefined


在此处查看 Wordpress 网站:https ://ghimortgagetemp.com/

查看 Webflow 中的工作版本:http ://wtylerconsulting-ghi-mortgage.webflow.io/

忽略 CSS 差异,只是试图让标题动画工作。

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javascript - Webflow 视频背景 - 静音/取消静音按钮

我有一个内置 webflow 的页面,里面有一个视频背景。它似乎默认静音,这很好。



我在这里尝试了一些其他代码示例但没有成功,例如这个 SO question

::: 这是一个更新 ::: 我会仔细阅读你的所有建议,下面的链接是我在关注这篇文章后提出的一个片段

([ 想要创建自定义静音.. ])



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google-tag-manager - 如何在 Webflow 设置上实施 Google Tag Manager?

我在页面上嵌入 Google 标记脚本时遇到问题。这是我所做的:

  1. 将初始 Google 跟踪代码管理器脚本放在自定义代码 > 头部代码上 在此处输入图像描述

  2. 在 Designer Editor 上添加了嵌入式 HTML 代码并放置了最后一个 Google Tag Script


  1. 发布到我的测试子域。

但是刷新我的页面后,我有一个关于 GTM 的 404 错误 在此处输入图像描述

你能帮我解决这个问题吗?因为在 Google 标记设置中,第二个脚本应该放在正文标记打开之后。就我而言,我生成的嵌入式 HTML 代码有一个<div>标签,里面是我的第二个谷歌标签管理器脚本。