问题标签 [webdav]
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iis-7 - Trouble setting up WebDAV
Rather than using FTP to access my hosting provider, which I read is un-secure, I'm trying to set up WebDAV (which I've never done before). I don't see WebDAV in the Actions pane of IIS Manager.
So I found a link at http://www.iis.net/extensions/WebDAV to install it. I'm running Windows 7, so when the Web Platform Installer gave a message that my operating system is not supported, I tried the x64 link from that site. Then I get the message "IIS Version 7.0 is required to use WebDav 7.5 for IIS". That would suggest I didn't install IIS7, which I'm pretty positive I did.
In IIS Manager the Help | About says Version 6.1 (Build 7600) at the top (6.1 makes me think IIS6?) but then at the bottom, it says "Internet Information Services (Version 7.5.7600.16385), which seems to suggest IIS7, right? Any ideas on how I can get going with WebDAV? Thanks!
svn - 通过 apache webdav 访问 subversion 存储库时 Pdf 被破坏
我正在运行一个使用 webdav 通过 http 访问的颠覆服务器。我注意到,当我使用浏览器访问存储库时,有时存储库中的 pdf 文件显示为纯文本(就像您使用 emacs、vim 或记事本等文本编辑器查看 pdf 一样)而不是被下载,或者用一些pdf阅读器打开。如果您保存页面,然后使用 pdf 阅读器打开它,它可以正常工作。任何想法为什么会发生这种情况?它似乎在某种程度上取决于浏览器,并且并非所有文件都发生。下面的文件似乎有很多这个问题: http ://robfelty.com/subversion/ling5200/slides/ling5200-all-notes.pdf
webdav - 正确响应 PROPFIND 对不存在的资源的响应
当 WebDAV 服务器收到对不存在的资源的 PROPFIND 请求时,它应该如何响应?
RFC 似乎说您应该始终返回 207,然后将 404 用于不存在的属性。但是,如果资源本身不存在怎么办?
sharepoint - 编写自己的 FrontPage RPC 服务器(如 SharePoint)
有没有人有编程与 FrontPage RPC 对话的协议处理程序(服务器)的经验?我想制作一个行为就像 SharePoint 一样的服务器。
我想要的是从这个 Web 服务器打开一个 Word 文档,在 MS Word 中编辑它并将更改写入 Web 服务器。因此,您可以以同样的方式从 SharePoint 编辑 Word 文档。
我尝试使用 WebDAV,但在 Microsoft Office 中实现 WebDAV 的效果不如 FP-RPC。
微软告诉全世界忘记 FrontPage RPC 并使用 WebDAV 或 CIFS,但最新版本的 SharePoint 和 Office 仍在谈论 FrontPage RPC...
sql - Powershell scripts to backup SQL, SVN
I'm trying to use PowerShell to create some backups, and then to copy these to a web folder (or, in other words, upload them to a WebDAV share).
At first I thought I'd do the WebDAV stuff from within PowerShell, but it seems this still requires a fair amount of "manual labour", ie: constructing HTTP requests. I then settled for creating a web folder from the script and letting Windows handle the WebDAV stuff. It seems that all it takes to create a web folder is to create a standard shortcut, as described here.
What I can't figure out is how to actually copy files to the shortcut's target..? Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way.
It would be ideal if I could somehow encrypt the credentials for the WebDAV in the script, then have it create the web folder, shunt over the files, and delete the web folder again. Or even better, not use a web folder at all. Third option would be to just create the web folder manually and leave it there, though I'd rather not.
Any ideas/pointers/tips? :)
php - 如何让当前用户登录到 apache 领域?
我正在为 Subversion 编写一个简单的内部前端。多亏了 WebDAV,我们有了一个 Apache 设置来为 SVN 存储库提供服务。此外,身份验证是通过 Apache 领域和 Open Directory 完成的。对于它的价值,这基本上是一个非常普通的 Mac OS X Server 10.6 设置。
现在,我们的前端负责启动的一些任务需要知道调用该操作的用户的用户名。例如,创建存储库需要它,以便我们获得有关谁实际创建它的正确日志。如果我不提供这些信息,SVN 只会使用创建它的进程,在我们的例子中是运行 httpd 的用户。
我在 php 中执行此操作,但我不一定必须使用 php 来实现。如果我可以在 shell 脚本中获取信息,那也很好。重要的是我以某种方式获得了信息。我最初开发的解决方案,因为它正确报告了我的用户名,所以我认为它有效,只是调用:
现在我觉得自己像个 idjit。这个简单的片段有效(尽管很难找到):
任何人都知道为什么后者不起作用?我能找到的唯一文档表明这仅适用于 Apache 2。但是,我实际上正在运行 Apache 2,所以这不可能。
c# - Sphorium WebDAV 服务器框架
有谁知道如何使用 Sphorium WebDAV 服务器框架? http://sourceforge.net/projects/webdav/
c# - WebDAV 日期范围查询
我试图从 Exchange Server 2003 访问和提取消息。我需要按日期获取它们,但我遇到了问题。
这是代码lsQuery = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<D:searchrequest xmlns:D = \"DAV:\" xmlns:m=\"urn:schemas:httpmail:\">"
+ "<D:sql>SELECT \"urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment\", \"DAV:displayname\", "
+ "\"urn:schemas:httpmail:from\", \"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject\", "
+ "\"urn:schemas:httpmail:htmldescription\" FROM \"" + lsRootUri
+ "\" WHERE \"DAV:ishidden\" = false "
+ "AND \"DAV:isfolder\" = false "
+ "AND \"urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment\" = true "
+ "AND \"urn:schemas:httpmail:read\" = false "
+ "AND \"urn:schemas:httpmail:date \" \">=\" CAST(\"2009/11/17\" as 'dateTime') "
+ "AND \"urn:schemas:httpmail:date \" \"<=\" CAST(\"2009/11/19\" as 'dateTime') "
+ "</D:sql></D:searchrequest>";
java - Ideas for implementing a VFS
I have multimedia files and its metadata stored in a RDBMS (actually, the actual media files are stored in the FS, but let's not dwell on that).
I would like to present a filesystem view of this information, so that users can work using Windows Explorer and similar stuff on the database. I intend this access to be read-only, which I believe will simplify things greatly.
Basically, what I want to achieve is:
- Have different views using different metadata criteria (i.e. have /by_author/{artist}/{record}/{audiofiles} and /by_record/{record}/{audiofiles}, for instance).
- Have transparent reencoding (possibly cached) of media files (i.e. /wav/{wavfile}, /mp3/192/{mp3file), /mp3/320/{mp3file}, etc.)
- Transparent generation of metadata in different formats (say, Excel, XML in different schemas, etc.)
I'm doing this in Java, btw.
My problems here are two-sided:
What is a good way to implement the "model"? I've dabbled with some Repository, Asset, FileAsset, ContainerAsset interfaces and implementations, but they don't end up feeling quite right.
I'm interested in being able to delegate different parts of the filesystem to separate code (i.e. /{artist}/{record} and /{record} parts of the FS are implemented with different code and they both delegate to the same code to create the {record}/xxx stuff).
What's the best alternative to "expose" this model? As I see, there are some alternatives:
- Fuse for Java and Dokan for Java. I would need to implement two different wrappers, so it's a bit more work...
- Use Alfresco's SMB implementation and just expose the VFS as a Samba share
- Use Milton (a WebDAV implementation for servlet containers) and either use OS'es builtin WebDAV support or use something like a Fuse DAV FS to re-expose it as a FS
Of those, Fuse/Dokan seem the most work. Alfresco looks very nice but very complicated to get it working. Milton seems simpler, and WebDAV's semantics might even work better... but I'm not entirely sure.
Thoughts, ideas?
edit: The project is semi-abandonded now (meaning, it would be cool to do it, but no time for it right now). I think I'd write my VFS as an extension to commons-vfs and then adapt commons-vfs to Milton, Dokan, Fuse, etc.
c# - webdav 查询在生产服务器上未授权,在测试服务器上授权
我试图使用 webdav 访问我的交换收件箱,它可以从我的测试服务器(windows 2003 64 位,包含 MOSS 安装)而不是我的生产服务器(windows xp 32 位)工作。