问题标签 [varnish]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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iis - Varnish 或 Squid 作为 IIS 的缓存服务器

我们可以将 Varnish 或 Squid 服务器设置为 IIS 服务器的 Web 缓存服务器吗?


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caching - 为什么 Plone 3 将语言 cookie 设置为 CSS 和 JS 注册表文件以及如何摆脱它?

安装了 Plone 3.3.5、LinguaPlone 和 Products.CacheSetup。

为 portal_css 和 portal_javascript 文件设置的语言 cookie





3) Plone 4.x 中与此相关的任何更改?

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caching - 清漆清除配置导致启动错误

我在 Varnish 中的清除配置有问题。我有一个如下配置的清除 URL,但在尝试启动服务时,我得到一个错误,也在下面。如果我注释掉这段配置,服务将毫无问题地启动。有谁知道我哪里出错了?



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javascript - How is the DOM object document.cookie property built?

When you are served a web page, who builds the DOM document? Is it strictly the server printing HTML? How is the browser involved? I am specifically interested in knowing how is the document.cookie property populated.

A) The server populates document.cookie

  1. The browser stores a cookie for foobar.com in the users hard drive.
  2. The next time foobar.com is visited, the browser presents all cookies for foobar.com to the server.
  3. The server builds the DOM document.cookie property based on these cookies.

B) The browser populates document.cookie

  1. The browser stores a cookie for foobar.com in the users hard drive.
  2. The next time foobar.com is visited, the server goes on about constructing and serving the HTML.
  3. Somewhere before or after the browser grabs all the cookies on the hard drive and populates document.cookie.

I am interested in this information because I'm studying how cookie stripping at proxy servers such as Varnish and Squid can affect cookies. If document.cookie was built by the server (option A above), then I would assume cookie stripping by proxies would affect the document.cookie property. I am however party inclined to think B is the case since I have a directive in a Varnish server to specifically strip a cookie, but the data of the cookie remains persistent in document.cookie even after stripping it from the request.

This question is especially important for people who have websites behind Varnish, since a request that comes attached with a cookie negates the use of cached data and generates a back-end hit.

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php - Varnish Cache 与 PHP Captcha 用于反站点抓取算法

我已经让 Varnish 缓存与 PHP Captcha 一起使用,但我还不


我有它的工作,但想了解我如何改变 req/s 限制。





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ehcache - Ehcache或清漆或两者兼而有之?

应该使用 ehcache 来代替清漆吗?还是相反?或两者?

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plone - 如何制作清漆循环 zeo 客户端

我想使用 plone.recipe.varnisin buildout 将清漆配置为在 2 个 zeo 客户端之间进行循环。在我的 buildout.cfg 中,我尝试过:

两者都不起作用,它们都给我“错误 404 未知虚拟主机”。我可以手动将 varnish.vcl 编辑为


我正在使用统一安装程序 Plone 4.0.5、Ubuntu 10.0.4(64 位)、Varnish 2.1.3。有任何想法吗?谢谢!

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ubuntu - varnishtop 显示“列表长度 0”?

清漆 2.1.3 Ubuntu 10.04.02 LTS

varnishtop 仅显示“列表长度 0”。

varnishstat 总是返回相同的结果:


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daemon - Varnish DAEMON_OPTS 选项错误

当使用带有 Varnish 的内联 C 时,我无法让 /etc/varnish/default

我已经用清漆测试了内联 C 的两件事:GeoIP 检测和反站点抓取功能。

DAEMON_OPTS 总是抱怨,即使我遵循其他似乎



/etc/default/varnish 里面有这个:




它试图将“-shared”解释为-s hared,而“hared”不是存储类型。

对于 GeoIP 和 Anti-Site-Scrape,我使用了确切推荐的守护进程选项
,并尝试了各种变体,例如添加 \' 和 '' 但没有任何乐趣。

这是我遵循的指令的链接,除了 DAEMON_OPTS 部分外,它工作正常。

我正在使用 Debian 和说明中所述的确切 DAEMON_OPTS。



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caching - Varnish和ESI,性能如何?

我想知道现在 ESI 模块的性能如何?我在网上读过一些帖子,说清漆上的 ESI 性能实际上比真实的要慢。

假设我有一个包含超过 3500 个 esi 的页面,这将如何执行?esi 是为这种用途设计的吗?