问题标签 [uitabbaritem]

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iphone - 使用 UITabbaritem 作为 UIButton

有没有办法将 UITabbaritem 用作 UIButton?我正在尝试制作一个标签栏,它的项目不会改变视图。只希望他们在同一个视图控制器中执行简单的操作。


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iphone - UITabbar without controller

I have a simple app where the only view controller has an outlet to a UITabBar. It also implements UITabBarDelegate and is set as the delegate for the UITabBar:

I implemented the following method Which gets called whenever any of my 4 UITabBarItems get tapped. I tried just doing something really simple:

In theory, it should always stay selected on my first tab and it works perfectly when I just tap any UITabBarItem (nothing happens, the first one always stays selected). But when I touch a UITabBarItem and hold it (not taking my finger off) the selection changes anyway ! Debugging, everything gets called properly.

It's like changing the selectedItem property doesn't have any effect is the user still has the item "down" (with his finger on it).

What would be a good workaround? I tried overloading UITabBar and messing with touchesBegan and touchesEnd but they don't even get called. Same with UITabBarItem.

Oh and please don't suggest using a UITabBarController as it is not flexible enough for my application.

So frustrating....thanks!

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iphone - iphone在按钮单击时更改标签栏项目

我的 iphone 应用程序中有 4 个选项卡。当用户单击选项卡 1 中的按钮时,我想将用户移动/切换到另一个选项卡,假设选项卡 2。


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iphone - 更改 tabbaritem 的字体大小


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iphone - iPhone 以编程方式实例化 UITabBarItem


在我的视图控制器的 init 方法调用的方法中:



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iphone - 有没有办法禁止 UITabBarItem 重新加载其第一个视图?



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iphone - iPhone dev - TabBarItem 的数量

我想创建一个标签栏项目的数量由用户定义的标签栏(假设它存储在变量 NumberOfTabBarItem 中)。有没有办法将标签栏项目放入某种数组并显示?谢谢!

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uitabbarcontroller - 如何在 UITabBarController 中刷新 UIView?

我在 TabBar 中刷新视图。UIView 在我第一次按下 TabButton 时是只读的,下次不会“viewDidLoad”。每次按下按钮时,我都想刷新 UITableView。


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objective-c - UITabBarItem 中的白色图像

最后几天我尝试将 UITabBarItem 创建为 UIImage。但我只得到一个白色方块。我尝试使用 png 8、png 24、gif 和 jpg。图像会很喜欢,因为如果我将图像更改为更大的图像,白色方块也会更大。



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iphone - TabBar /“更多视图控制器” - 可能有黑色以外颜色的图标?

是否可以让 TabBar 和/或“更多导航控制器”中的图标采用灰色和黑色以外的颜色?我尝试使用 UITabBarItem 更改为视图控制器设置的图标的颜色


