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ios - 自定义容器视图控制器状态保存

我需要创建带有标签和 2 个状态 A 和 B(每个状态由子视图控制器呈现并相互交换)的自定义容器视图控制器。当父容器创建时,两个子视图控制器都会实例化,并且 currentViewController 默认为 viewControllerA。所以我在容器视图控制器中有这样的东西:






  1. 实例化viewDidLoad并恢复(-(void)decodeRestorableStateWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder[self.viewControllerA decodeRestorableStateWithCoder:coder]在这里看到了 - https://stackoverflow.com/a/16647606/2492707

  2. 完全恢复-(void)decodeRestorableStateWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder喜欢self.viewControllerA = [coder decodeObjectForKey: @"AKey"];


了解 UINavigationController (填充了 visibleViewController )的恢复过程也可以帮助我。


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ios - iOS State Restoration

I am fairly new to iOS development and I am trying to understand the State Restoration API. Without implementing the APIs in my application, when the application is exited and resumed it does restore the state of the application to the way it was before the user exited. If this is not State Restoration, then what mechanism is this? And how is it different than State Restoration? Why should I implement state restoration when the default mechanism seems to do what I need.

I'm sure that I'm just not understanding something, but I don't know what it is.

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ios - 如何在 iOS 5 中管理状态保存和恢复

我一直在查看iOS App Programming Guide中的“State Preservation and Restoration”部分,那里描述的过程似乎仅适用于 iOS 6。由于我需要使我的应用程序与 iOS 5 兼容,我不'找不到一个,比方说,处理这个的等效方法。

为了提供特定的场景,我有一个UINavigationController推送一系列视图控制器的地方,我请求用户输入。它就像一个一步一步的表格,直到最后一步完成后才最终保存提供的数据。我想在用户提供输入时临时保存输入,以防应用程序终止或进入后台,以便在用户返回应用程序时再次显示它们,以防止他不得不再次输入数据他已经提供了。我猜这可能是 iOS 应用程序中的常见场景。

我正在考虑将临时数据保存到文件中,但我不知道这是否是 iOS 5 中独特/最佳的方式。有任何帮助或任何示例/教程/文档处理这个问题吗?


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ios - 不使用故事板的应用程序状态保存和恢复?





我得到了 encodeRestorableStateWithCoder 但是之后当我按下主页按钮然后再次运行应用程序时,我的应用程序状态不存在 secondViewController 并且 decodeRestorableStateWithCoder 没有被调用。


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ios - 恢复 ViewController 状态的最佳方法是什么

我想就如何恢复 viewControllers 状态提出一些建议。就像在名为“Pic Collage”的应用程序中创建卡片并保存并稍后恢复它一样。

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objective-c - 为什么我不能在 NSKeyedArchiver 中编码 NSValue?

我试图将一个MKMapView中心和跨度编码为一个NSKeyedArchiver状态保存。我发现了一些方便的新 MapKitNSValue添加,valueWithMKCoordinate:以及valueWithMKCoordinate:. 尝试将这些编码到键控存档器中失败:

由于未捕获的异常“NSInvalidArgumentException”而终止应用程序,原因:“-[NSKeyedArchiver encodeValueOfObjCType:at:]:此归档器无法编码结构”



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ios - viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:coder: 如何找到现有实例?





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ios - iOS state preservation for an application needing login

My app has four states each using its own root view controller and I only need to restore the views for the online state but need to go through the three other states on startup for doing the login and loading the app content.

I have it working for a simple app based on the UITabBarController which works perfectly. But there I can instantiate the view controllers in the application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions: without a problem as I always have the same.

I'm struggling to move this concept over from the static number of view controller example to the dynamic context of my real application.

What I would like to have is some sort of delayed instancing of my view controllers so they are instantiated once the session context is recreated. But as far as I see this is not possible with the api.

I think my conceptual problem is that at the moment when application:viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:coder: the login to the server is not yet done. So I cannot setup my dao objects to load the dynamic content I would need to create the view controllers.

Shorty I was also thinking about just saving the dynamic data from the server with the app state so I could redisplay it, and then do the login behind the scene and merge the data with the real data from the server. But this approach does sound hacky and merging the data displayed with the real data from the server also creates a lot of issues. And it is discouraged by the documentation as well.

At the moment I'm actually thinking to record all calls to the application:viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath:coder: method and record the data so I could use it later when I'm ready to create the actual view controllers, but I have the feeling that this is not the intention on how to use this api.

Does anybody have some direction for me?

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iphone - 没有 Storyboard 的 Tabbar 的保存和恢复

我正在使用 iOS 6 Preservation and Restoration(没有 Storyboard),它与导航控制器一起工作正常,但是如果我在主窗口上手动添加 Tabbar 控制器,我没有得到选中的选项卡。




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ios - iOS 保留 UIWebView 的状态?

是否可以在当前应用启动时保留 UIWebView 的状态(例如当前网页、后/前列表)?例如,如果我解除了 webview 的分配,并且在将来的某个时候,我想重新创建它 - 是否可以给它先前的状态?