问题标签 [tessel]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
firebase - 如何让 tessel 微控制器连接到 Firebase
我正在尝试将我的 tessel 连接到 firebase,并且我已经尝试了所有方法。其他人有类似的问题吗?我读过 tessel 使用与 firebase 不同的网络套接字,但我真的很新,对此知之甚少。谁能帮帮我?
javascript - Arduino yun vs tessel vs espruino
我对使用 javascript / nodejs 编程微控制器感兴趣。
我首先得到了一个 Arduino uno 并用 cylonjs 对其进行了编程。我做了一个简单的机器人,但很快意识到这行不通,因为我需要始终将 Arduino 连接到计算机才能运行节点程序。董事会还需要有 Wi-Fi,这样我就可以从网络上控制它。
有人建议我使用 Arduino yun,因为它拥有所有这些东西。这看起来很完美,但是我发现还有其他板也提供相同的东西,并且可以使用 js。
- 阿杜诺云
- 比格骨
- 纳米电极
- 电动小鬼
- 英特尔爱迪生
- 泰塞尔
- 粒子
- 埃斯普鲁伊诺
在查看了所有可以使用的板后,我意识到 tessel 和 espruino 是专门为 javascript 制作的。
所以我的问题是,这些板之间的主要区别是什么,尤其是 Arduino Yun、Tessel 和 espruino。
编辑:tessel 模块看起来非常昂贵,我可能不会使用它们。- 只是普通的别针。
node.js - Express 应用找不到 index.html
当我将 Express 应用程序推送到我的 Tessel 2 时,我的 Express 应用程序出现问题,我可以让它在本地工作,但是一旦它被推送到另一个系统上,就会出现问题。这是我得到的错误:
这是我的 Express 路线设置:
virtualbox - Tessel 2虚拟机创建错误
我正在使用以下命令在 ubuntu 14.04 上创建 tessel 2 虚拟机并出现错误
我已经安装了所有先决条件,包括 nodejs、tessel-cli、tessel usb 规则、虚拟盒及其扩展包。版本如下
javascript - Tessel 2 - i2c.read not logging buffer
I'm attempting to use a Tessel 2 to read data from a CO2 sensor but not having much success.
From the sensor's data sheet:
To read the current CO2 concentration from the sensor we need to read memory locations 0x08 (hi byte) and 0x09 (low byte).
To do this we need to send a sequence of two I2C frames: first we send an I2C write frame containing the sensor address, command number and how many bytes to read, RAM address to read from, and a checksum. Then we send an I2C read frame to read the status, data and checksum.
In our case we want to read 2 bytes starting from address 0x08. This will give us data from address 0x08 and 0x09, which contains current CO2 reading. The sensor address is 0x68 (default factory setting, configurable in EEPROM).
So, the first frame should look like:
Start | 0xD0 | 0x22 | 0x00 | 0x08 | 0x2A | Stop
--a. 0xD0 is Sensor address and read/write bit. 0x68 shifted one bit to left and R/W bit is 0 (Write).
--b. 0x22 is command number 2(ReadRAM), and 2 bytes to read
--c. Checksum 0x2A is calculated as sum of byte 2, 3 and 4.
The next frame will read the actual data:
Start | 0xD1 | <4 bytes read from sensor> | Stop
--d. The 1:st byte from the sensor will contain operation status, where bit 0 tells us if the read command was successfully executed.
--e. The 2:nd and 3:rd byte will contain CO2 value hi byte and CO2 value low byte.
--f. The 4:th byte contains checksum
So, my code looks like this:
The code executes all the way until the i2c.read code block and never receives a buffer back from the sensor.
I decided not to use the transfer method because the address changes.
What am I doing wrong?
javascript - 将命令行参数传递给在 Tessel 上运行的脚本
我正在尝试为 Tessel 传递命令参数运行一个简单的脚本,并希望它们在 中可用process.argv
通过 Logging process.argv 运行脚本t2 run index.js myparam
我得到了[ '/usr/bin/node', '/tmp/remote-script/index.js' ]
johnny-five - 找不到模块 './accelerometer'
尝试在我的 tessel 2 上运行 johnny-5 时出现以下错误: