问题标签 [template-instantiation]

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c++ - At which point occurs template Instantiation binding?

This code is from "C++ programming language" by Bjarne Stroustrup (C.13.8.3 Point of Instantiation Binding)

And he mentions:

Here, the point of instantiation for f() is just before h(), so the g() called in f() is the global g(int) rather than the local g(double). The definition of ‘‘instantiation point’’ implies that a template parameter can never be bound to a local name or a class member.

My questions are:

  1. Why should the first code work? g() is declared later, and I really get an error with G++ 4.9.2 that g isn't declared at that point.

  2. extern g(double) - how this works? since return value doesn't matter in case of function overloading, then we can miss it in forward declarations?

  3. the point of instantiation for f() is just before h() - why? isn't it logical that it'll get instantiated when f(2) is being called? Right where we call it, whence g(double) will be in scope already.

  4. The definition of ‘‘instantiation point’’ implies that a template parameter can never be bound to a local name or a class member - Has this changed in C++14? I'm getting error with C++(G++ 4.9.2), but don't get error with C++14(G++ 4.9.2).

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gcc - Can I make my compiler use fast-math on a per-function basis?

Suppose I have

and I want to compile one instantiation with -ffast-math (--use-fast-math for nvcc), and the other instantiation without it.

This can be achieved by instantiating each of the variants in a separate translation unit, and compiling each of them with a different command-line - with and without the switch.

My question is whether it's possible to indicate to popular compilers (*) to apply or not apply -ffast-math for individual functions - so that I'll be able to have my instantiations in the same translation unit.


  • If the answer is "no", bonus points for explaining why not.
  • This is not the same questions as this one, which is about turning fast-math on and off at runtime. I'm much more modest...

(*) by popular compilers I mean any of: gcc, clang, msvc icc, nvcc (for GPU kernel code) about which you have that information.

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c++ - 声明不能解决“实例化后的显式特化”错误

假设我正在尝试使用Curiously Recurring Template Pattern创建自己的 boost::filesystem::path 实现:

(为简洁起见,代码不完整,但在使用 ' ' 编译时会出现问题g++ -std=c++11 -o mypath ./mypath.cpp,使用 GCC 4.8.4)




在研究关于 SO 的类似问题时,我发现其中一个接受的答案表明我可以通过仅仅声明我的专业来巧妙地解决这个问题。但...

  1. 我在 mypath.cpp 中注释掉的template class PathBase<Path>;行对问题没有影响,并且
  2. 感觉就像我的头文件已经用它的整个class Path : public PathBase<Path> { ... }声明声明了显式特化。


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c++ - 模板类的虚函数是否隐式实例化?


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c++ - 共享库:具有部分模板专业化和显式模板实例化的未定义引用








当需要tpl::foo<::ml::xxx>::bar在某个消费者应用程序(我的共享库也链接到该应用程序)中实际使用此函数时,我得到符号的未定义引用错误。tpl::foo<::ml::xxx, void>::bar实际上,在生成的共享库上运行时没有任何符号nm -CD痕迹。tpl::foo<::ml::xxx, void>

到目前为止,我尝试过的是关于放置位置的不同组合ML_GLOBAL(例如,在显式模板实例化本身上,关于 GCC 明显抱怨不像 Clang)和有/没有第二个模板参数void

问题是这是否与原始定义ML_GLOBAL由于来自第三方库而没有附加可见性属性 ( ) 的事实有关,还是我实际上在这里错过了什么?如果我没有错过任何东西,那么我真的被迫在这种情况下公开我的实现吗?[... *咳嗽* 说实话看起来更像是编译器缺陷 *咳嗽* ...]

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c++ - 模板基类的析构函数中的类型完整性不一致

从设计的角度来看,请忽略可疑的继承模式。谢谢 :)


在 GCC 和 Clang 中,将其编译为独立的 TU 会引发错误:

这是 GCC 的,Clang 的类似,并且都指向struct Bar. 此外,在修复错误 添加缺少的定义:main()

在我看来,std::unique_ptr在定义时需要正确实例化 ' 的析构函数并不正确Bar,因为它仅由Bar' 外线定义的析构函数调用。



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c++ - typedef 和 using 会导致模板实例化吗?





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c++ - 重载前模板实例化错误



当我尝试编译它时,我收到错误消息,说我不允许在 main 中修改 lambda 中的 const 值。这意味着模板都在类中被实例化,这会导致硬错误,因为错误在 lambda 的主体中。

对此有何规定?为什么重载解析会尝试实例化一个永远不会被调用的模板?永远不应该在这里调用 const ,那么为什么要尝试完全实例化它呢?


我猜编译器在使用传递的函数至少实例化签名之前不知道要调用哪个函数。但这并不能解释为什么 decltype(auto) 版本有效......

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c++ - 生成使用不同参数实例化函数模板的代码


我想实例化和 的不同foo组合XY如.ifmain

然而,这可能会变得非常丑陋(长)。给定所需组合的列表,是否有可能使用 C++14(例如通过使用预处理器)生成此代码?

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c++ - 编译的程序是否可能不包含实例化的模板类?

