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python - f.seek() 和 f.tell() 读取文本文件的每一行

我想打开一个文件并使用 and 读取每一f.seek()f.tell()




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perl - perl 读取 seek tell 和 text 文件。读取的字节太多。图层和换行符处理

我有一个 Perl 脚本,它分析一个文本文件(可以是 UNIX 或 Windows 行结尾),当它找到感兴趣的东西时存储文件偏移量。



我尝试binmode($fh)在. 这确实在文本文件中找到了正确的位置,但随后我得到 (CR + CRLF) 输出并且文本文件充满了双回车符。open()read()



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python - Python file.tell 给出了错误的值位置

我正在尝试使用 Python 从现有文件中提取多个位置。这是我当前用于提取位置的代码:



我已经读过,由于 Python 倾向于“提前阅读” ,传递某些read/readline选项可能会导致错误的告诉值。fh我看到的一个避免这种情况的建议是读取整个文件并重写它,这在我的应用程序中不是一个非常吸引人的解决方案。






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applescript - 最佳使用方式:告诉应用程序“系统事件”

我在考虑将此语句用于 GUI 脚本的最佳方法是什么:


此外,似乎“进程”语句可以访问 GUI,而应用程序不能。

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python - Is there a way to go back when reading a file using seek and calls to next()?

I'm writing a Python script to read a file, and when I arrive at a section of the file, the final way to read those lines in the section depends on information that's given also in that section. So I found here that I could use something like

Yet, the structure of my current code is something like the following:

But this approach gives the following error:

telling position disabled by next() call

Is there a way to prevent this?

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database - Adding clause in Prolog

I am about to write code for my project, which is to create a database in SWI-Prolog. The program should contain ADDING, DELETING, SORTING and SEARCHING entries. My problems are:

  1. I want to ADD 'runners' with capital letters.
  2. When I'm addin/deleting something in database, the file stays either empty or the only entry is the entry I have actually added.

I'm using one file as database entries and the second file for all of the logic. Thanks for helping me in advance.

In the database, there are these records:

The '_' components are for example DATE, HEIGHT, WEIGHT, ... The database file is named database.pl.

In logic, there is this:

Every runner must be written by his name and surname, the other fields can be blank. How to do to add at least Name, Surname and at maximum Name, Surna,Height, Date, Weight... That only first two fields are mandatory others are not.

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applescript - Telling applications to open and then to quit isn't working properly on applescript

This script is to open microsoft apps and then quit after 3 seconds

but when I run the script, it stops after this. (EDIT) it seems to close every app besides the microsoft applications

Both opening and closing the applications scripts work great separately but I don't seem to know how to join them. If anyone knows why this is happening, that would be great. Thanks

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python - 在调用 seek 后减少使用 'enumerate' 获得的可迭代计数器

我正在使用 Python 读取文件,并且在文件中有一些用“#”字符括起来的部分:



现在您看到线路计数器lino不再有效,因为我正在使用seek. 此外,在中断循环之前减少它也无济于事,因为每次调用next. 那么在 Python 3.x 中有没有一种优雅的方法来解决这个问题呢?另外,有没有更好的方法来解决StopIteration而不在块中放置pass语句Except


到目前为止,我已经根据@Dunes 的建议采用了一个实现。我不得不稍微改变一下,这样我就可以提前看看是否有新的部分开始了。我不知道是否有更好的方法来做到这一点,所以请加入评论:



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applescript - 使用 Applescript 隐藏和取消隐藏单个文件



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python - 跟踪不断更新的日志文件的 Python 问题

我正在尝试跟踪另一个正在运行的程序正在创建的日志文件。如果在更新的日志中找到单词“day”(这意味着其他代码已成功运行),我想返回 True。问题是 - 有时其他程序不成功,只是卡在同一行,如果发生这种情况,我想返回 false。我尝试使用 seek() 和 tell() 跟踪它是否卡在同一行,如下所示:

但这总是为 i 和 i_old 返回相同的东西,并且当日志确实仍在更新时总是返回 false (我可能没有正确执行,我是新手)。当我尝试跟踪文件的大小(使用 os.stat)时,它也返回了相同的内容。


当其他程序运行得非常快但似乎有点超时并在代码运行时间过长时返回 false 时,这很有效。
