I'm writing a Python script to read a file, and when I arrive at a section of the file, the final way to read those lines in the section depends on information that's given also in that section. So I found here that I could use something like
fp = open('myfile')
last_pos = fp.tell()
line = fp.readline()
while line != '':
if line == 'SPECIAL':
last_pos = fp.tell()
line = fp.readline()
Yet, the structure of my current code is something like the following:
fh = open(filename)
# get generator function and attach None at the end to stop iteration
items = itertools.chain(((lino,line) for lino, line in enumerate(fh, start=1)), (None,))
item = True
lino, line = next(items)
# handle special section
if line.startswith['SPECIAL']:
start = fh.tell()
for i in range(specialLines):
lino, eline = next(items)
# etc. get the special data I need here
# try to set the pointer to start to reread the special section
# then reread the special section
But this approach gives the following error:
telling position disabled by next() call
Is there a way to prevent this?