问题标签 [telecom-manager]

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android - Android Connection Service report outgoing call without showing native call UI?

I have developed a voice calling app with android ConnectionServices and telecom framework.

I can show native call screen when receive incoming call notification from firebase and everything is fine. When I start an outgoing call I just want to report this call to Connection service so that if any call from gsm received it should report busy to caller. In callkit if you call reporting Outgoing call native callkit screen doesnt appears on my app screen but android shows native call. is it possible to make native screen invisible for outgoing calls?

my function to report outgoing call is below;

and overrided outgoingConnection in Service class is like below.

any idea will be appriciated.

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java - 电信运营商消息播放前如何处理

假设已建立电话/VOIP 呼叫,并且音频的下行链路和上行链路正在通过 Audiomanager.Stream_VOICE_CALL 进行,就像任何普通电话一样,但我想要实现的是应该重定向音频(即像电信运营商 msgs 这样的下行链路)到一个虚拟的虚拟功能,我可以处理它,然后它应该通过任何输出媒体播放,如扬声器、耳机等在上面。即使我在通话期间注释掉处理音频的部分,我也完全不知道可以做什么,即使那样它也会播放音频。我该如何解决这个问题?

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c# - TelecomManager:AddNewIncomingCall() 上的异常

我正在尝试在我的 Xamarin.Forms 应用程序中使用电信功能。当调用 AddNewIncomingCall() 时,抛出异常:

Java.Lang.SecurityException: 包 com.android.phone 不属于 10134

