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windows - GNUTLS or libuuid missing while building taskwarrior from source code in Windows 10

For the past 4 days I have been working to get taskwarrior and taskwarrior server running on windows 10. It has proven quite a challenge for me.

I followed the steps written below: "Building the Stable Version" on https://taskwarrior.org/docs/build.html and created a folder:

Opened Developer Command Prompt for VC 2017

And then depending on whether I try to build taskwarrior with Sync enabled (automatically unless manually disabled):

GNUTLS_library is missing


-- libuuid not found.

A short summary of steps followed and attempts so far:

  1. Downloaded and installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64 and x86) from: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/features/cplusplus/
  2. Ensured cl was available as suggested in the documentation of microsoft: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cyz1h6zd.aspx
  3. Downloaded MinGW installation Manager and installed the base package as was suggested on http://www.mingw.org/wiki/Getting_Started:

If you do wish to install mingw-get-inst.exe's obligatory set, (including the GNU C Compiler, the GNU Debugger (GDB), and the GNU make tool), you should select the mingw-base package for installation.

  1. Installing Cmake from https://cmake.org/download/
  2. Running the commands described above from cmd in administrator mode
  3. Opening Cmake selecting the source folder:


With build folder:

This gave the exact same errors as when I tried the it through the Developer Command Prompt for VC 2017 described above, from which I conclude that I do not have a typo in my commands described above.

  1. Even though it should be installed with Mingw already, GNU is still not found (even after reboot). So I tried downloading it manually from:
  2. http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm
  3. https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/

  4. And I tried the following commands from Command prompt:

    install libgnutlsxx28 gnutls-dev install gnutls-dev

  5. As suggested in the install file in taskwarrior for Debian based distributions, I tried:


    Which opens the IncrediBuild Version 9.2.1 Setup, I currently do not know what that does.

  6. I tried downloading the libuuid library from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libuuid/ but I currently do not know how to build and install it.

  7. I tried installing it through python in cmd with:

    easy_install python-libuuid

  8. Learning building programs from source code from: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cyz1h6zd.aspx

  9. Learning and practicing from https://github.com/codebox/bitmeteros/wiki/How-to-build-on-Windows.
  10. At the end I learned I had Cygwin installed already and that I could simply install an old version of taskwarrior by reinstalling cygwin and checking/marking the task package. So I have the taskwarrior running, but not the taskwarrior server. And moreover I am trying to learn how to build code/projects from source, so I am trying to make a succesfull build to increase my skillset and hence toolset.
  11. The explenation to install GNU TLS 3.6.2 on https://www.gnutls.org/manual/gnutls.html#Downloading-and-installing is limited to:

The package is then extracted, configured and built like many other packages that use Autoconf. For detailed information on configuring and building it, refer to the INSTALL file that is part of the distribution archive. Typically you invoke ./configure and then make check install.

However, the latest GNUTLS for Windows x64 download file: Latest w64 version on gitlab on: https://www.gnutls.org/download.html named artifacts.zip contains no file named INSTALL.

So I am currently working on understanding how to configure and built using autoconf.

Question: Do you know how I could install the GNU library and/or libuuid library on windows 10?

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json - 返回错误的索引:perl-JSON 脚本的 for 循环中的“格式错误的 JSON 字符串”

上下文: 为了调试由文件组成的损坏的 taskwarrior 任务列表:backlog.datacompleted.data,我从 https://taskwarrior.org/tools/ 的 taskwarrior 挂钩修改了一个pending.dataperl脚本。当我调试损坏的文件时,我知道脚本会产生错误。我正在尝试查找该错误的位置。它已经以错误消息中返回的 JSON 代码的有限形式给出(图中的示例)。undo.data.dataexport-html.pl

错误位置的提示已经作为任务的 JSON 给出。



  1. 实际发现错误的 for 循环内的代码似乎根本没有执行,或者:
  2. 我还不知道如何count<Some Letter>在这个评估任务 JSON 格式的 for 循环中打印索引(用 表示)。

问题: 在发现错误之前如何打印(任务)索引malformed JSON string ..

尝试返回包含错误的任务 JSON 的索引:"

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taskwarrior - TaskWarrior 自动修改UDA

我有个问题。假设我创建了attr带有 values的用户定义属性A,B,C。如何配置taskwarrior以在我输入时自动将值更改attrAB

任务 x 开始


任务 x 完成

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python - What package does taskwarrior use to generate the tables on the command line?

I was wondering if taskwarrior uses any open-source packages to generate its output or have they written it completely from scratch? I would like to generate CLI output in a similar format, i.e. colored text, properly formatted tables, and different formatting all on the same table.

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vim - 如何在 Vim 中切换拆分窗口

我安装了 TaskWarrior 插件。为了显示任务,您必须输入:TW命令。问题是,TaskWarrior 显示在我用于编辑的同一缓冲区中。为了避免这种情况,我必须创建一个新的拆分窗口,切换到拆分窗口,然后输入:TW.



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taskwarrior - taskwarrior - 是否可以报告花费在任务上的时间?

我正在尝试使用 taskwarrior 来跟踪时间以进行计费。



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taskwarrior - Adding tasks that others depend on in one line

Is there a way to add a task and specify that other tasks depend on this one in one line?? For example, I'm basically trying to do this:

I know there is no blocks descriptor, but it would be nice if there were or if there's something like it. Otherwise, my workflow is

I know I can do:

but I add these subtasks over time, so it ends up being two lines every time. Is there any way to do it in one?

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ubuntu - taskserver:客户端连接握手失败


TL;DR 我很确定这不是证书的问题,而是更可能与跨 WSL 实现的客户端/服务器交互有关。我可以通过 telnet 和 netcat 进行连接,但是当我尝试从客户端同步时,任务调试器没有收到任何信息。但是,我可以从与服务器位于同一台机器上的客户端同步。如果有人可以分享有关如何进步或一些调试技巧的建议,我将非常感激!



操作系统:Ubuntu 20.04 LTS(在 WSL、Windows 10 中运行)

逐字记录的结果$hostname -f称为<hostname>.localdomain



这是一台物理上与服务器不同的机器,在同一个 LAN 上

操作系统:Ubuntu 20.04 LTS(在 WSL、Windows 10 中运行)


  • 我已阅读以下内容

  • 而且我一直在尝试用谷歌搜索我遇到的问题,但还没有找到任何可以解决我的具体问题的东西。

  • 由于我自己的调试,系统目前处于以下状态:

    • 禁用防火墙(服务器、客户端和路由器)
    • taskd.trust = 允许所有(客户端和服务器)
  • 从客户端,我可以通过 telnet 连接到服务器:

  • 我还可以在同一个端口上使用 netcat 设置一个简单的“聊天服务器”。



我觉得奇怪的是通过端口 53885 接收到连接 - 它不应该来自客户端计算机上的 53589 吗?

  • 我尝试使用taskd server --data $TASKDDATA. 由此,我能够从服务器机器上的第二个客户端成功连接,并在日志中查看结果。但是,当我task sync从客户端计算机运行时,没有任何显示。

  • 我检查了特定于"Handshake Failed"的页面,结果如下:

当我在服务器上生成证书时,在 ~/taskd-1.1.0/pki/vars CN=.localdomain 中。

  • lsof -i TCP:53589 -s TCP:LISTEN我从运行or中根本没有得到任何响应netstat -tl | grep 53589,但我认为这更多地与在 WSL 上运行服务器的复杂性有关。




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python - 如何在python中将计算出的timedelta显示为时间

我正在计算timewarrior通过timew-report python 库存储的时间。




...但0001-01-02 03:20:04我不想显示,而是想说27:20:04


我通过初始化 total like 采取了错误的方法datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0)吗?

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taskwarrior - taskwarrior,删除多个重复任务而不要求删除所有待处理




然后我必须回答每个任务(这里是 101x):

n(不)。这部分很烦人,我想摆脱这一步。我认为如果有人想用 应用delete所有任务,如果他想用ora删除重复,至少应该可以避免回答(对于没有)。nnever

你知道如何避免这种混乱吗?还是我 - 有时 - 错过了什么?

PS:需要注意的是,如果您用y(表示是)确认讨论过的第二个请求,父/模板任务也将被删除!是什么让这个请求变得更加危险,因为你可能会在匆忙中意外删除整个重复任务——例如pay rent.