Is there a way to add a task and specify that other tasks depend on this one in one line?? For example, I'm basically trying to do this:

task add proj:one Base task         # task 1
task add proj:one subtask1 blocks:1 # task 2
task add proj:one subtask2 blocks:2 # task 3

I know there is no blocks descriptor, but it would be nice if there were or if there's something like it. Otherwise, my workflow is

task add proj:one Base task         # task 1
task add proj:one subtask1          # task 2
task 1 modify depends:2

task add proj:one subtask2          # task 3
task 1 modify depends:3

I know I can do:

task 1 modify depends:2,3

but I add these subtasks over time, so it ends up being two lines every time. Is there any way to do it in one?


1 回答 1


我找到了一个到目前为止效果很好的解决方案,并且完全符合我的期望:https ://gist.github.com/wbsch/a2f7264c6302918dfb30 。


于 2020-03-12T14:04:56.427 回答