问题标签 [tao-framework]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - OpenGL - 防止双缓冲区

我正在使用 tao (C#)。我可以防止OpenGL使用缓冲区进行绘图吗?


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c# - 通过 VBO 绘制时在 Tao.OpenGL 中的纹理

我正在制作一个使用 VBO 缓冲区来绘制模型的应用程序,而不是gl.Vertex。我要绘制的平行六面体已正确绘制,但纹理却没有。经过一个小时的搜索,我发现我还需要添加法线和顶点。但我怎样才能得到它们?





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matlab - Opengl lighting works top,bottom,front, back but not on the sides of the model

I have a model made up of five cubes, the whole model is textured, I added lighting and it sort of works for the top, bottom,font and back of the cubes but not the sides, there is also an issue with the shading because there is light where it should be shaded. I am using a Matlab .NET opengl wrapper based on Tao framework for this which is a unusual I admit.

I can provide the whole code if asked but for now,here is my lighting code

And here is my code for only one of the cubes

Finally a gif of my model and the issue in action.

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c# - 3D 立方体边重叠

我在业余时间教 OpenGL。我在 C++ 上找到了一个很好的复杂课程。但由于我对 C# 的热爱没有克服,我决定重写他的所有代码。经过几个小时的折磨,一切都变了,但是立方体的侧面相互吻合并且显示不正确。
