问题标签 [survey]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - sharepoint 中的调查结果


所以我有一个调查,让我们说“调查 A”。在本次调查中,我列出了必须填写调查表的人员或团体。sharepoint 已经为我们提供了一份受访者名单,但我想列出一份未回复或未完成调查的人员名单。


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.net - asp.net 调查问卷引擎


调查/问卷引擎应该允许管理员用户添加新的问题和响应类型(文本/布尔/多个/等),应该使用 SQL Server 进行持久性和 ASP.NET 2.0 或更高版本。它应该利用 AD 来实现 Windows 集成身份验证和安全性。


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frameworks - 您使用哪个框架来构建您的应用程序?

有许多框架为构建应用程序提供框架,例如CSLAXAFSCSF ……


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asp.net - AJAX form editing and design

I want to build into mt ASP.NET application the ability for users to fill up forms, but the forms are not something I can hard-code into my (Enterprise) software.

So I need one screen that lets end users create the forms. Doing it the 2.0 way, I just love what PollDaddy did in their survey editor (great job guys!). How do I replicate that? (don't worry pollDaddy, my app has nothing to do with survey and I am not at all in your domain (-: )

Since you need to login to the site to play with it, I made a 20 sec video of how it looks like. Please see below and tell me how to best replicate this (as simple as using JQuery tip? use an entire open source project? Buy something?)

Requirements are:

  • support multiple types of elements (like multiple choice, free text, comboBox)
  • drag and drop
  • editing of order

click image for video or here


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survey - What development tools do you carry on your USB drive?

I've just bought a new 4GB USB thumb drive and I'm trying to decide what to put on it. I'm thinking about one of the webserver on a stick packages, a C/C++ IDE (leaning toward Code::Blocks; had Dev-C++ on my old USB drive) and Python.

What development related tools do you carry around with you on yours?


I've added categories.


Code::Blocks Open source, cross platform C/C++ IDE

  • Supports several compilers (that you must supply) but you can also download a version that includes MingW.
  • (There's a FAQ question on their website explaining how to make it portable)

Codelite -- Open-source, cross platform C/C++ IDE
Eclipse -- Open-source, cross platform Java IDE
NetBeans -- Open-source, cross platform Java IDE
JCreator -- Java IDE
MSVC6 -- Microsoft's pre-.NET C/C++ environment

Languages & Compilers

Portable Python -- Interpreter for the Python programming language

  • Includes SciTE (editor) and Django (web framework)

Strawberry Perl -- "A 100% Open Source CPAN-capable Perl for Windows® computer that works exactly the same as Perl everywhere else."
Py3k -- Newest version of the Python programming language
Stackless Python
Lua -- Scripting language
MinGW -- Sort of a Windows port of GCC

  • "MinGW provides a complete Open Source programming tool set which is suitable for the development of native Windows programs that do not depend on any 3rd-party C runtime DLLs."


Notepad++ (after so many recommendations, I had to try it)
UltraEdit -- "text, hex, HTML, PHP, Java, Javascript, Perl, and programmer's editor."
VIM -- "highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing"

  • Major rival to emacs

HEdit -- Hex editor
XVI32 (Hex Editor)
e text editor -- "The Power of Textmate on Windows"
Intype text editor -- Code editor for Windows
ConTEXT -- Code and text editor
Editpad Pro -- "powerful and versatile text editor or word processor."


Dependency Walker -- Allows you to see what DLLs a program or DLL depends on and what functions they export.
Reflector -- Allows you to look into and decompile .Net assemblies
DbWin32 -- Lets you see Windows debug and trace messages

  • Similar to DebugView

DebugView -- Lets you see Windows debug and trace messages

Web & Network

Firefox Portable (with Firebug)
OperaUSB -- Web browser
XamppLite -- Package that includes Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL & SQLite
PuTTY -- telnet and SSH client
Wireshark -- network protocol analyzer (packet sniffer)
WinSCP -- SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows


SourceGear DiffMerge -- Compare two files side by side and merge if needed.
WinDiff -- File comparison tool
Winmerge -- "Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows."

Unix-like Tools

GNU Utilities for Win32 -- Windows version of several Unix/Linux tools
Cygwin -- Port of a Unix type environment to Windows
PowerGREP -- GREP tool

Visual Studio & .NET

NUnit -- Unit testing for .NET
TestDriven.NET -- Easily run your unit tests from Visual Studio
AnkSVN -- Subversion plugin for Visual Studio
LINQPad -- Tool to interactively develop Linq queries.

  • "lets you interactively query SQL databases in a modern query language: LINQ"

Regular Expression Tools

Expresso -- Regular Expression tool
RegexBuddy -- Regular Expression tool


The Sysinterals Suite (includes DebugView, Process Explorer, & more)
7-zip -- Open source file archiver
Scrollbar fix for VB6
puretext -- Paste w/ formatting removed
VirtualBox -- Open source virtualization product.

  • Similar to VMWare or VirtualPC
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email - 将 HTML 表单放入电子邮件中是否不切实际?

我有几个客户问过这个问题,但我从来没有得到或给出令人满意的答案。您可以(实际上)将工作表单放入 HTML 电子邮件吗?




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webforms - 哪个是构建 HTML 调查构建器的更好框架?

我必须构建一个带有 AJAXified 用户界面的 HTML 调查构建器应用程序(即Wufoo,...)。

典型的调查将是多步骤的,表单字段/问题之间存在多重依赖关系,大部分时间都是公共访问,并将结果导出为 PDF + CSV。

一直在研究/测试一些 PHP 框架(CodeIgniter、Symfony 和 CakePHP)。我喜欢 CakePHP,但我读了很多关于 Django 和 RoR 的好东西(尤其是用于表单构建的 RoR...)...

...所以问题是:哪个是构建 HTML 调查构建器的更好框架?

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open-source - 有人对开源程序员做过调查吗?


  • 你这样做是你工作的一部分吗?
  • 如果是这样,你的工作有多少?
  • 如果你在业余时间做,你会花多少时间在上面?
  • 你是学生吗?
  • 是什么激励了你?



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1215 浏览

.net - 调查网络应用程序

是否有任何(最好是开源或成本)Web 控件可用于 .NET 环境中的调查管理?

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614 浏览

windows - 注定的技术?

您认为哪些技术/语言/应用程序在 Windows 平台上达到了顶峰,哪些技术/语言/应用程序已经或应该被淘汰?我的投票,在某些方面可能是一厢情愿:

  1. VBScript
  2. 微软访问
  3. ODBC
  4. 闪光
