问题标签 [stacked-area-chart]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
tableau-api - Tableau 无法创建堆积面积图
我正在尝试在 Tableau 中创建堆积面积图。
工作簿在Public Tableau上
数据通过 CUSIP 连接,即 - 带有利率的 CUSIP excel 表 - 带有日期和指数比率的 CUSIP excel 表
(整数),用户可以通过调整滑块输入,计算字段Inflation-Adjusted Principal
但我的图表最终是这样的(参考 tab Inflation-Adjusted Trend
如果我试图故意创建一个面积图,它看起来像一堆色块(参考标签Inflation-Adjusted Trend 2
charts - Trying to create a dynamic Dundas Stackedarea chart
Good afternoon. I try to research and have yet to find anyone that has an example of this, I normally do not ask for help, I just figure it out, but this one is killing me! I am trying to create a stacked area chart dynamically, I already can create a dynamic area chart, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to get a stacked area chart to stack the series. I have made something similar in excel and I can get it to chart fine, but it is not dynamic. I have data that is laid out like this: How the data is laid out
And this is how I want the chart to look: How I want the chart to look
How can I associate the data to categories or whatever it is I need to do? I have the data in an array but I can just not seem to figure out how to get the chart to stack. Can anyone help? If you need some more info please ask, I know I am not including my code, mainly because it is very ugly and drawn out, but can try to compress it a bit and simplify if anyone needs that.
My code is below (maybe that will help, even if it is ugly)
Thanks a bunch in advance! Later
javascript - d3更新多个图音频
r - Stacked Area Chart in Plot.ly and R
Plot.ly has a tutorial on this for Python:
R doesn't seem to have any similar tutorial. I tried to play with the filled area plot tutorial for R, but failed to build a stacked plot.
How can I replicate the code above in R/ Plot.ly to create a stacked area chart? Thanks a lot!
r - 在堆积面积图中将悬停文本格式化为 $ (R / Plot.ly)
如何在 R 中将 plot.ly 的“文本”格式化为像这样的美元金额(或其他任何东西) - 4,000,000 美元(带逗号)?
即使我的“真实”数据已经格式化为 $,一旦我在 add_trace 函数中执行 hoverinfo='x+text' ,它就会丢失格式。plotly 的布局函数中的 Hoverformat = "$,f" 也没有帮助。
这是 R 中堆叠面积图的可重现示例:
javascript - 如何在没有奇怪动画故障的情况下将数据添加到 D3 堆叠区域图?
数据显示给定日期范围(例如,12 月 10 日至 15 日)的值。当我添加扩展我的日期范围以包含更早的日期(例如,12 月 9 日至 15 日)时,数据数组的前面有附加数据。
看到这个 jsfiddle 显示效果(单击更新按钮):http: //jsfiddle.net/qprn9ta9/
这似乎是因为我在 SVG 区域的前面添加了新点,并且插值根据索引为它们设置了动画。
我怎样才能避免这种情况?D3 中是否有内置的东西可以提供帮助?我寻找某种与您一起使用的关键功能data()
java - 作为 .jar 运行会导致不同的视图
我编写了一个程序,它使用区域图显示波形。当我编译并运行它时,它看起来就像下面一样。当我执行 .jar 文件时,我得到了一个完全不同的波形视图。
当我运行它时 =>
当我执行构建 .jar 文件时(Windows 7 64 位-> java8)
更新:这里是 test.txt:http ://expirebox.com/download/bf9be466e23c4c3d8f73f094f261dfbe.html
是否有另一种方法可以两种方式都正确读取。也许它与 UTF8 左右有关?
r - ggplot2堆积面积折线图产生奇数线和孔
(我的实际数据,显示在下面的图表图像中,要大得多,并且有 100 种“颜色”,但我在这里进行了简化,因此您只能理解结构。)
我正在尝试制作一个堆积面积折线图,显示随着时间的推移为特定公司生产了多少辆每种颜色的汽车。(即每家公司都有自己的图表,其中 x 轴 = 年,y 轴 = 生产的汽车)。