问题标签 [sim-toolkit]

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android - 如何修改 SIM Application Toolkit(STK) Rooted Mobile

亲爱的 Android 开发者,

我想根据客户要求修改 Sim 工具包应用程序,例如应用程序自动检查余额。手动我们的 Currier 允许在 Sim 工具包中使用此功能。我做了很多搜索,我怎么能做到这一点,但找不到任何地方。



从这个问题得到提示 如何使用 APK 访问 Android STK 菜单?

2-从github https://github.com/android/platform_packages_apps_stk下载STK的源代码

3-通过构建和设置内部API来消除项目的所有错误。 http://devmaze.wordpress.com/2011/01/18/using-com-android-internal-part-1-introduction/

当我运行这个项目时得到这个 错误


我在使用共享用户 ID 时检查了所有 stackoverflow 问题,例如INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE



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javacard - SIM toolkit application - Javacard development kit

I'm trying to develop a STK application but I don't know where to get the development kit. Right now for Javacard I'm getting the one from Oracle's website, but it doesn't have the sim.toolkit package.

I don't want to buy it from Gemalto, etc. Is there any "free" implementation?

I have found the ETSI - 3GPP a zip file with some code and libraries, but I don't know if this would be enough. Do I generate the cap/jar file from the code there?


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gsm - 尝试使用 USAT 应用程序发送 SS 命令时出错

我正在尝试使用主动命令 SEND SS(TS 31.111 部分:6.4.11、8.14 等)让 USIM 执行呼叫转移(也称为呼叫重定向)。不幸的是,我不断收到来自网络的错误,我无法理解。



为了确保我使用的是正确的 SS 字符串,我在 USIM 上激活了 CALL CONTROL 并在键盘上拨打了 **21*0525576774#。结果如下:

如您所见,SS 字符串是相同的。当 ME 发送它时,它似乎可以工作(呼叫转移已激活),但是当我尝试将它从 UICC 发送到网络时,我收到错误“3424”。

我已经搜索了规范(TS 31.111、TS 22.030 甚至 TS 24.080),但没有找到关于我做错了什么的最微小的线索。

任何帮助将不胜感激 :)



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android - Android:通过 SIM 工具包进行手机充值

我正在为我的客户开发一个 android 应用程序。我的客户是我们所在地的 SIM 卡经销商。我的客户想要访问 SIM 卡工具包为手机充值。我不知道该怎么做?任何人都可以指导我正确的方向。


我需要通过我的 android 应用程序访问 Airtel SIM 工具包进行充电。

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c# - SIM ToolKit 菜单访问与 AT 命令使用 c# using huawei

我正在尝试使用 c# 开发一个 sim 工具包访问软件




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android - com.android.internal.telephony.cat.Duration 在 android 中找不到

我是一个新的安卓开发者。我想开发一个可以在 android mobile 中访问 SIM Tool Kit 的应用程序。但是我还没有在网上找到确切的解决方案。我找到了2个例子:

当我在 ADT 中导入com.android.internal.telephony.cat.Duration类时,它找不到它。




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java - 将stk小程序加载到SIM卡中


我有一个 STK 小程序代码源。

我有一个智能卡读卡器(gemplus pc/sc)

我有一张 SIM 卡和管理代码

我安装了 eclipse 并添加了 JAvaCard 和 SIM API 库


并出现一个appletviewer 窗口,其中显示“applet non inisialized”作为消息。

请问有人可以帮忙吗?我需要知道如何将这个小程序加载到我的 SIM 卡中?欢迎所有建议


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android - Sim工具包的打开菜单

我希望我的应用程序打开 sim 卡工具包,以便用户可以通过 sim 工具包应用程序中提供的移动设备进行支付 请帮助

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android - How to communicate between Android and Java Card Applet on SIM card (with or withour RIL libs)?

I want to communicate from my Android app to a Java Card applet loaded on a SIM card using APDUs under Android prior to 5.0 (4.2.2, for example). My applet is not a SIM Toolkit applet, it is a common Java Card applet.

Following this post (thanks to @vojta and @jean) and SEEK I would like to build my app using RIL (Radio Interface Layer). Where can I get those libs? The only ones I can get is for Nexus - here.

If I understand it well I will have a different .apk file for each mobile manufacturer. Am I right? If yes, is there any other way to communicate from Android to SIM applet apart from SEEK?

If I cannot avoid that (I really think SEEK is the best or the only way to communicate with my SIM applet), can someone share a step-by-step manual for building such an example APK application (including communication with the applet)?

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putty - Not getting ^STIN: response

I have been accessing Sim Toolkit Applications from puTTY terminal using huawei e303f modem and a sim. I am writing AT commands specific to huawei modems. Basically right now, I am only trying to navigate sim toolkit menu. However, according to example in documentation, ^STIN: response is being sent by sim. But the same response I am not getting in my puTTY terminal. I am only getting "OK" response but no ^STIN: response. Here is my code---

Please Help! I am stuck!