I want to communicate from my Android app to a Java Card applet loaded on a SIM card using APDUs under Android prior to 5.0 (4.2.2, for example). My applet is not a SIM Toolkit applet, it is a common Java Card applet.

Following this post (thanks to @vojta and @jean) and SEEK I would like to build my app using RIL (Radio Interface Layer). Where can I get those libs? The only ones I can get is for Nexus - here.

If I understand it well I will have a different .apk file for each mobile manufacturer. Am I right? If yes, is there any other way to communicate from Android to SIM applet apart from SEEK?

If I cannot avoid that (I really think SEEK is the best or the only way to communicate with my SIM applet), can someone share a step-by-step manual for building such an example APK application (including communication with the applet)?


1 回答 1


您不能简单地将该功能(用于访问基于 UICC/SIM 的安全元素的 RIL 扩展)添加到应用程序。相反,手机必须支持此功能。您通常无法即时替换无线电接口库/电话框架(您可能可以在有根设备上进行此类修补,但这仍然不是您通常会集成到您的应用程序中的东西)。

然而,许多当前的 Android 设备都带有现成的 SEEK 实现,可用于访问 UICC/SIM 卡(三星(例如 GS3 和更高版本)、索尼、HTC 和摩托罗拉的许多设备)。对于 Nexus 设备,Nexus 6 是第一个支持 SEEK 的设备。

在支持 SEEK 的设备上(即预装了 SEEK 智能卡服务),您可以通过将您的应用程序链接到SEEK SDK 插件或直接集成 Open Mobile API(作为库项目或通过添加源代码)来使用 SEEK文件)到您的应用程序中(您可以在此处找到最新版本)。

您可以在此处找到通过 SEEK 访问智能卡应用程序的示例应用程序:https ://github.com/seek-for-android/open-mobile-api-sample

于 2015-09-20T08:08:30.340 回答