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java - Google 游戏:具有多个 G+ 帐户的姜饼 > 无限期登录循环 - GameHelper

对于 Google Play 游戏服务示例,如果您使用具有多个 Google 帐户的 Gingerbread 设备,您将无法登录。GameHelper 无法登录,您会陷入永无止境的“登录屏幕”循环。

如果打开 GameHelper.java 并注释掉第 417 行:mExpectingResolution = false;


Google Play 服务和一个新的类 GameHelper 与 android 2.3 上的示例 ButtonClicker2000 无法登录到您的帐户。当出现用户选择的对话框(登录对话框)时,方法 onStop()。

选择用户后调用 onStart()。但是,没有登录。相反,开发对话框(登录对话框)会随着用户的选择重新出现。如此无限期地。

GameHelper 中的登录循环错误是否有任何修复?

来源在这里:https ://github.com/playgameservices/android-basic-samples

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java - How to find root cause of NullPointerException / RuntimeException

Google Play Games Services crashses my game when I log out and back in (using GameHelper). I've been through every line of code and I cannot find a single problem (There is no crash when I'm NOT using Google Game Services).

But when I run my game, with BaseGameUtils library, and using GameHelper to log out, when I log back in the Android app crashes everytime with this error:

I've been troubleshooting this crash for 3 days and I'm at a complete loss. Any advice how to troubleshoot or debug this error is appreciated.

Here is the MainMenuFragment.class (which is from Google):

This is TestGame07.java line 522 (super.onStart):