问题标签 [selecteditem]

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wpf - Selected item in listbox unreadable because of the color

I dynamically create a collection of stackpanels in my listbox. In this stackpanel are contained labels and checkbox horizontally aligned.

The problem is when I click on a stackpanel, the selection is unreadable because the line become dark-blue whereas the letters stay black so black on blue, you see nothing. How can I dynamically change the forecolor of the selected elements in the stackpanel? I say dynamically and not in the xml file, because all those elements are dynamically created from a database.

I have code similar to this:

contentpresenter won't work... I tried several way to position it... So, I found a way to circle the problem ... in the app.xaml :

Thus the background of selected items is clearer so that the user can still read text of the selected listboxitems.

and every listboxitem is concerned.

and yet... I would love to know how on earth it's possible to change the selected item's text color in list box.. if I manage to get the answer I'll keep you in touch...

I did this...

but stll not working, it says the trigger property can't be found in ControlTemplate... I tried to add it after the trigger property, but not working either...

I tried something like this in the App.xaml : "

and in the particular xaml file where my listbox is :

but when executing, nothing appears anymore in the listbox, nothing... I don't get it...

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iphone - UITabbar without controller

I have a simple app where the only view controller has an outlet to a UITabBar. It also implements UITabBarDelegate and is set as the delegate for the UITabBar:

I implemented the following method Which gets called whenever any of my 4 UITabBarItems get tapped. I tried just doing something really simple:

In theory, it should always stay selected on my first tab and it works perfectly when I just tap any UITabBarItem (nothing happens, the first one always stays selected). But when I touch a UITabBarItem and hold it (not taking my finger off) the selection changes anyway ! Debugging, everything gets called properly.

It's like changing the selectedItem property doesn't have any effect is the user still has the item "down" (with his finger on it).

What would be a good workaround? I tried overloading UITabBar and messing with touchesBegan and touchesEnd but they don't even get called. Same with UITabBarItem.

Oh and please don't suggest using a UITabBarController as it is not flexible enough for my application.

So frustrating....thanks!

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c# - 如何保持选中项?- 列表显示

当用户单击没有项目的空间时,我想在 ListView 上保留一个项目。例如,项目下方的空间,但仍在 ListView 组件上。我已将 ListView 属性“HideSelection”更改为 false,但这仅在焦点更改为另一个组件时有效;不是当用户单击 ListView 本身时。谢谢!

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cocoa - 在 Mac UI 中获取当前选定的项目

我想获取当前选定的项目(文本、图像等)并在按下键盘快捷键时显示在我的 Cocoa 应用程序窗口中。例如,Droplr 具有这样的功能。我该怎么做呢?

例如,我希望它在屏幕上选择该文本时将“(文本、图像等)”作为文本返回,如下所示: http: //drp.ly/JAdv

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wpf - WPF ComboBox SelectedItem - 更改为以前的值

我有一个将 SelectedItem 绑定到 ViewModel 的 ComboBox。

当用户在 View ComboBox 中选择一个新项目时,我想显示一个提示并验证他们是否要进行更改。

在视图模型的 SetItem 属性设置器中,我显示一个对话框来确认选择。当他们说是时,它工作正常。

我的问题是,当用户单击“否”时,我不确定谁让 ComboBox 恢复到以前的值。ViewModel 中的 Property 具有正确的旧值,但在 View 中,ComboBox 显示新选择的值。

我希望用户选择一个项目,确认他们想要继续它,如果他们决定不这样做,我希望 ComboBox 恢复到上一个​​项目。


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c# - 如何以编程方式编辑选定的子项?

有谁知道如何在 listView 上编辑子项?我试过用这个:

但这不起作用。我收到错误“InvalidArgument='1' 的值对'index' 无效”。我在列表视图上有两列,所以我认为 [1] 的索引将是子项。

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c# - WPF ListView SelectedItem 为空

我有一个列表视图,其中有一个复选框作为列之一。如果我单击除实际复选框之外的任何位置,则 ListView 的 SelectedItem 会按预期设置为当前选定的行。另一方面,如果我单击复选框(没有先单击该行),则 SelectedItem 为空或先前单击的行。



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c# - 将 WPF Combobox 的 SelectedItem 转换为 Color 会导致异常


这会引发带有以下消息的转换异常:“指定的转换无效。” 当我在调试器中将鼠标悬停在 cboFontColour.SelectedItem 上时,它始终是一个 Color 对象。


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wpf - 基于匹配对象在 XAML 中设置 ComboBox.SelectedItem



我正在尝试的是根据我的数据源中的颜色设置SelectedItem属性。ComboBox由于我的组合填充了 type 的对象SolidColourBrush,并且我的绑定转换器返回 a SolidColorBrush,我认为这很简单:



所以,很明显,我不能只说 SelectedItem = [something],其中 [something] 基本上是一个等于我想要被选中的项目的对象。

这样做的正确方法是什么?当然,在仅 XAML 的样式中使用绑定是可能的,而且我不必做一些讨厌的 C# 迭代组合框中的所有项目来尝试找到匹配项(这看起来非常老派)......?

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wpf - Wpf SelectedItem 不适用于 ListView 中的组合框

我在 ListView 中遇到了 Combobox 的问题。我有一个名为“Substrate”的课程。该类包含一个名为“SubstrateType”的类的对象。我想在 Listview 中显示“Substrate”类的对象。“Substrate”的每个属性都显示在 Listview 的列中。对于不同的“SubstrateType”,我想使用组合框。

在 XAML 中,我这样尝试:

在代码隐藏中,我得到了两个 ObservableCollections。一个用于所有 Substrate,一个用于所有可能的 SubstrateTypes。如果单击组合框,则会显示所有 SubstrateType。但是如果您不选择一个,则组合框没有选定项。

