问题标签 [scmbug]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
svn - 你集成了 Mantis 和 Subversion 吗?
integration - 如何将 CodeStriker 连接到 FogBugz
我刚刚安装了CodeStriker代码审查工具。有没有人尝试将它连接到 FogBugz?在 CodeStriker 文档中,我看到它与Scmbug一起使用,它将软件配置管理 (SCM) 与错误跟踪集成在一起。有人将 Scmbug 连接到 FogBugz 吗?
git - Git/Redmine 提交要求
我目前正在考虑从使用 scmbug 的 svn/bugzilla 系统迁移到将两者集成到 git/redmine 系统。我一直无法找到一种方法来要求提交与 redmine 系统中的“问题”相关联。有谁知道这是否可能?
regex - Understanding Regular Expression for the Below Template
I am installing scmbug to integrate bugzilla with svn on windows. After a whole day fight with scmbug. Seems like i made it to get off the ground.
I entered the commit comment as
bug 3
test test test
bla bla bla
But it give me error like the below
Scmbug error 3: No list of bug ids was found that matches the log_bugid_regex '^\s*bug\s*([\d|\s|,|#]*?):' and log_bugid_split_regex ',\s?#|\s?#|,|\s+' in the log message 'bug 3
grepping the syntax leads me to the conf file.
So expecting help to the understand the below regex and its valid input.
Any Help would be appreciated.