问题标签 [rotatetransform]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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wpf - WPF - find actual top and left of an image after rotating it

I am using WPF and I have an image of an 8.5" * 11" piece of paper on a Canvas. I am then rotating the image using a RotateTransform, with the axis being in the middle of the page (that is, RotateTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5"). How can I find the actual location on the canvas of the corners of the image?

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wpf - WPF PathGeometry/RotateTransform 优化

渲染/旋转 WPF 三角形时出现性能问题

如果我显示了一个 WPF 三角形并且它将围绕中心点旋转一定程度,我可以通过以下两种方式之一进行:

  1. 以编程方式确定后端中的点及其偏移量,使用 XAML 将它们简单地放置在它们所属的画布上,如下所示:

  2. 每次都生成“相同”的三角形,然后使用 RenderTransform (Rotate) 将其放在它所属的位置。在这种情况下,旋转计算被混淆了,因为我无法访问它们是如何完成的。




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.net - 用户控件消失而不是在 RotateTransform 下打开

我在 a 中有一个用户控件Grid,它旋转了 -135º,但是当我将该形状移动到 的极限时Grid,它开始消失,就像它没有旋转一样。我怎样才能解决这个问题?

替代文字 http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/6241/cenask.jpg

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image - 如何使用jquery检查浏览器?

如何使用 jquery 旋转图像角度?可能吗?

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silverlight - Composing sequential rotations around different centers?

The following code draws a line, rotates it 30 degrees around its left end, restores it to its original position, rotates it 30 degrees around its right end, and then repeats several times.

How can I sequence these rotations without restoring the line to its original position in between? The first rotation (around the left endpoint) causes the right endpoint to move; so I would like the next rotation to be around its new position.

The net effect of the sequence should be to make the line segment "walk" forward.

(Note that this code uses the same angle over and over again. But I need a solution that will also work if the angle is different every time.)



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wpf - 旋转 Windows.Documents.Table

我需要将桌子顺时针旋转 90 度。它是 FlowDocument 的块之一。有没有办法对表格应用某种旋转?
像这样创建 TextEffect 的可能解决方案:


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wpf - WPF - 画笔上的相对变换导致锯齿线

在 WPF 中的画笔上应用相对旋转变换(45 度)后,我留下了非常锯齿状的线条。有没有其他人经历过这个?你找到解决办法了吗?

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google-maps - 旋转 Google Maps API MarkerImage

我的一个 Google 地图应用程序上有一个火箭标记。毫不奇怪,我需要根据它的方向旋转它。我怎样才能做到这一点?使用画布/VML 旋转图像(就像 jquery-rotate 一样)似乎不是一种选择,因为我需要将 URL 指定为图像源,而不是<img>元素。

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c# - 为什么不能应用 Graphics.RotateTransform()?




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wpf - 旋转元素与装饰器产生问题



