问题标签 [redraw]

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objective-c - 如何重绘视图?(OpenGL)


它工作正常。drawAFish/drawAShark ... 绘制一个简单的四边形:


google 或文档中没有太多有用的信息。



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listview - Listview's ArrayAdapter notifydatasetchanged() very slow redraw

I've a quite simple list with 3 textview fields on each row. We are updating their values every 2 seconds or so with data coming from a background webservice call ( AsyncTask )

We compare the coming values with the current ones, update them accordingly on the Adapter and finally calling notifyDataSetChanged() if needed

The thing is that the redraw gets really slow thus hanging the whole UI when we got more than 3 update rows at once. Of course we are using all ListView well-known optimizations such as the EfficientAdapter approach ( setTag() and holders ), and getViewTypecount()/getItemViewType() . We have also tried to optimize our interface as much as possible with layoutopt and trying to avoid wrap_content widths and heights to lighten things up .

We don't do expensive operations on our updates either, just standard stuff: changing TextView text, textcolor, and backgroundcolor values.

The only weird thing I can see is that getView() is called 3-4-5 times for each row, although I've read all those Romain's messages [1] telling that is nothing wrong with that

Any ideas or hints on how can we speed it up?

Thank you very much!

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/4c4aedde22fe4594/aeb04288064f495e?show_docid=aeb04288064f495e

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android - 重绘列表视图中的单行

是否可以在 a 中重绘单行ListView?我有一个ListView带有LinearLayouts 的行。我听取偏好更改,有时我只需要更改单行中的一个ViewLinearLayout有没有办法让它在不调用的情况下重绘该行listview.notifyDatasetChanged()

我尝试在视图(内部)上调用 view.invalidate() ,LinearLayout但它不会重绘该行。

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c# - 加速 WPF 调整大小/重绘

我注意到即使在调整空 WPF 窗口的大小时也会显示黑色区域。我桌面上的很多程序都没有这些问题。所以我想知道,有没有办法设置调整大小重绘优先级或其他东西,并加快 WPF 窗口的大小调整?还是这个问题是不可避免的。

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wpf - 使用 N x N 图像网格生成 WPF 图像


所以开始:我有一个 N x N 标识符网格,基于标识符,我在 (x,y) 处绘制具有给定缩放高度和宽度的特定图像。

每次迭代都会重新生成此图像,并且需要在 WPF 上进行更新。也是绑定到xaml端的Image的ImageSource


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iphone - Adding UIImageView to UIScrollView in background Thread, wont show up until all are added

I have a scrollView where I add some UIButtons and UIActivityIndicators in the main thread. Then I perform a [NSThread detachSelectorInBackground:@selector(getImages) toTarget:self withObject:nil];

getImages downloads some images and add them into UIImageViews and then adds the UIImageViews to the scrollView, but they wont show up until the method getImages is done. Is there any way to get the scrollView to redraw or refresh or something like that?

AND If I scroll the scrollView (with my fingers..) during the getImages method, the UIImageViews that has been added shows up.

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javascript - 画布仅在循环结束后重绘



它的作用是用户无法看到更改,直到 for 循环结束。



我的代码(也在这里:http: //janiczek.github.com/heighway-dragon/ 链接现在包含其他内容):

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c# - How do I draw a picturebox at run time?

in the above code i'm trying to call the function read_file several times but it's not working the form just wait until the end then draw once .

note in the original project i'll take the file name from another part of the poject and i may call the function like

which not working for the same reason

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android - 在 Android 中重新绘制一个活动



那么如何在按下后退按钮时重新绘制活动?(我想我应该在 Activity.onResume 方法中放一些代码) (我使用 SharedPreferences 来保存已完成关卡的状态)


ImageAdapter 然后使用布尔值 true/false 来选择图像的来源,未完成的拇指或完成的水平拇指。

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wpf - 修复 WPF 对话框窗口留下的显示垃圾?

在我的 WPF 应用程序中,我有可以打开其他 WPF 对话框窗口的 WPF 窗口,我执行以下操作:

其中 PickForEveryone 被定义为:

并包含一个带有 DataGrid 和几个按钮和复选框的 Grid。

这在我的开发计算机上运行良好。但是,当对话框窗口关闭时,我的客户一直看到对话框窗口的一部分显示为父窗口顶部的视觉垃圾。也就是说,当 ShowDialog() 返回时,只有部分窗口未绘制。

我尝试添加 this.InvalidateVisual(); 在上面的代码下面,但它并没有解决问题。


所以,我问是否有人知道如何首先解决显示问题,或者如何通过让 WPF 重绘窗口来从中恢复。
