问题标签 [react-bootstrap]

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reactjs - 通过 3rd 方反应组件传递数据


  • 我的编辑器
    • 引导选项卡
      • 组件网格
        • 图 1
        • 图 2
        • 图像 x

在 myEditor 组件中,我有一个设置状态的函数 componentSelected()。在我编写了每个组件的应用程序中,我只是通过组件树将 componentSelected() 函数作为道具传递并从图像对象中调用它。


但是,在这个应用程序中,我使用的是第 3 方组件。准确地说是引导选项卡。如何通过第 3 方组件将我的 componentSelected() 函数传递给它的子组件,以便他们可以调用它?

这引出了一个单独的问题。我误解了 React 吗?我可以在 React 组件树上调用一个函数而不将它作为道具传递给组件吗?如果是这样,怎么做?


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reactjs - 为 React Bootstrap 显示的触发模式

http://react-bootstrap.github.io/components.html#modals - 我正在寻找一种方法来找到“shown.bs.modal”而不是“show.bs.modal”的触发事件。

我没有看到有关某些引导模式事件的任何文档:http: //getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals-events

我什至试图通过在 jQuery 中将它放在一边来破解它,这也不起作用。

知道如何触发“显示”事件吗?我在 react-bootstrap 源中也找不到任何东西。

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reactjs - 无法安装反应引导

在我的通量应用程序中,我尝试安装 react-bootstrap 然后出现错误peerinvalid Peer react-bootstrap@0.24.3 wants react@>=0.13

我的 package.json 中的反应是"react": "^0.13.3"

错误: 在此处输入图像描述

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reactjs - 打开/关闭 Popover 时,React Bootstrap 状态不会持续存在

我正在使用React Bootstrap,并且在使用 OverlayTrigger/Popover 时遇到了任何问题。当我关闭弹出窗口并重新打开它时,它的状态<ComponentWithState />被丢弃。



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twitter-bootstrap - React-bootstrap 制作一个有标题但没有正文的面板



如何使用panel-body类删除不必要的 div?

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javascript - 使用 ajax 数据反应 Bootstrap 表

我正在使用 react-bootstrap-table 来显示一些数据,这些数据来自 ajax 结果。



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reactjs - 无法开始使用 react-bootstrap

我刚开始使用 react,虽然一切都很好,但我无法开始使用 react-bootstrap 这是我的 .html 文件的样子:


我收到解析错误:相邻的 JSX 元素必须包含在封闭标记中






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javascript - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined in React, React-Bootstrap

My code was fine until I tried demoing a ReactBootstrap Modal. When I initialized the show prop passed to my Modal component from my top-level component to true (this.state.showResult in QuizApp), I keep getting
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined
When showResult is initialized to false, it works fine.

The error occurs whenever show prop of Modal is set to true.

Eventually I'll have event handlers that set showResult to true, but for now I just wanted to see what the Modal would look like, thus initializing showResult: true.

The only relevant information I could find was that this error is caused by multiple versions of React on the same page, but I don't think that applies here. I'm creating a really simple app, doing all my transpiling/building in the browser itself, no pre-building with node
TypeError when using React: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined

What makes the situation even more confusing is that show is a newly added prop that shows up in the code examples on ReactBootstrap docs but I couldn't find anything written about it in the docs.
How to open/close react-bootstrap modal programmatically?

class QuizApp

class Result

Demo: http://codepen.io/prashcr/pen/NqVbzE

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reactjs - 反应引导按钮

对于我正在构建的小型应用程序,我需要连续两个按钮。由于该应用程序是基于 reactjs 构建的,因此我使用的是 react-bootstrap。

整个事情在桌面上运行良好,但在移动设备上,最后两个按钮像这样相互移动: 在此处输入图像描述





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reactjs - React Bootstrap Validation use validated input in sub component

I am using react-bootstrap-validation that decorates the react-bootstrap Input tag.

The ValidatedInput requires that it is inside a Form component. When I add my ValidatedInput to a custom sub component I get an error saying it needs to be inside a Form which it is, but I guess it is further down the tree now so can not see the Form.

Is there a way of referencing the parent Form so the ValidatedInput can see the parent.

Looking at the source of the Validation lib I can see that the ValidationInput needs to register to the Form but am not sure how to do this from the sub component.