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react-bootstrap - react-bootstrap ModalTrigger doesn't hide when the parent element is unmounted
We encountered a strange behavior when using react-bootstrap's ModalTrigger with an array of items, in that it doesn't go away when the parent/owner item is unmounted. We suspect this has to do with React's virtual DOM and the diffing mechanism, and/or our own misuse of the ModalTrigger.
The setup is simple: a Content react component has a state that holds an array of item names. It also has an onClick(name) function that removes that name from the array via setState. In the render, it uses _.map to create a bunch of Item react components.
Each Item component displays its name and a ModalTrigger that holds a button labeled "delete me". Click on the button and it opens the modal; click "OK" in the modal and it executes the callback to the Content remove function.
When deleting the last item it works fine: the final Item component is unmounted, and with it, the ModalTrigger and its corresponding modal.
The problematic behavior we see is when deleting any item other than the last one. The item is removed but the modal stays open, whereas I would naively expect the modal to disappear since the parent ModalTrigger is gone. Not only that, but when clicking "ok" again, the next item on the list is removed, and so on until the modal happens to be associated with the last item, at which point clicking "ok" will finally hide it.
Our collective hunch is that this is caused by the overlayMixin's _overlayTarget being an anonymous element in the document, so that different ModalTriggers don't differentiate between them. Therefore, when a parent unmounts and React looks for the DOM diff, it sees the previous trigger's and says "hey, that could work".
This whole issue can easily be addressed by adding a hide() call in the Item's inner _onClick() function as is commented out in the code, and we finally arrive at my question:
Am I using ModalTrigger correctly, in that expecting it to go away when the parent is unmounting? This is kind of how I expect React to work in general, which means a bug in react-bootstrap.
Or should I be explicitly calling hide() because that's they way this component was designed?
Following is a piece of code that reproduces this.
javascript - 如何在 react-bootstrap 中获取选择元素的值?
在 reactjs 中获取元素的值,但就是想不通。this.refs.selectElement.getDOMNode().value
因此,如果有人遇到类似的情况,显然如果您使用 react-bootstrap,Input
. 要么将其取出,要么将所有Input
twitter-bootstrap - react-bootstrap Accordion not collapsing with map
I have an array of items I would like to create Panels out of which would eventually be inserted into the Accordion.
In one file, I have:
In another file called Content I have:
When I have the Accordion and Panel in the same file, they work. But when I generate the Panel using map after splitting them into two files, it doesn't seem to collapse.
twitter-bootstrap - ReactBootstrap 弹出框在点击外部时关闭
ReactBootstrap 提供了一个弹出框控件。我希望在单击弹出框外部时以与模式的工作方式类似的方式将其关闭(默认情况下单击开箱即用它会关闭)。
有没有办法使用 ReactBootstrap 来做到这一点,或者我需要自定义代码吗?
弹出窗口的 JSfiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/226cwe4e/
reactjs - 使用外部单击按钮关闭 reactjs bootstrap-popover
我试过 focus 它会在 popover 内单击时关闭 popover 。
hide - 如何隐藏在其 onSubmit 中具有 preventDefault() 的“react-bootstrap modal”表单?
问题是当我不使用 preventDefault() 时,页面会在提交时重新加载并隐藏。当使用 preventDefault 时,我的表单正在执行它在 onSubmit 中的操作,但在提交后它并没有隐藏。当我使用其他只有
如何在使用 onSubmit 完成后隐藏该表单。
http://react-bootstrap.github.io/components.html#modals的 ModalTrigger 示例
和 React 基础教程
reactjs - 在 reactjs 中收听文档的按键
react-bootstrap - 是否可以禁用 React-bootstrap 组件中的面板?
我刚刚开始使用 React(和 React-bootstrap 组件)。我有一个手风琴组件正在工作,但希望可以选择禁用手风琴控件中的一个或多个子面板。禁用时,我希望折叠的面板标题以禁用状态呈现,并防止扩展。这可能吗?
css - 如何创建粘性底部搜索框 Bootstrap (React)
我想要做什么(没有自定义 JS):http: //jsfiddle.net/paulalexandru/Z2Lu5/
但是,我无法让它在 Bootstrap 中工作。我专门使用 React-Bootstrap(对于那些不熟悉 React/React-Bootstrap 的人,我已将以下代码更改为普通 HTML),但我认为这不是问题所在。我的设置如下:
我的猜测是 Bootstrap 的行/列导致了一些问题。我无法将搜索框移出网格并移到底部(确实有效),因为它还覆盖了侧边栏,并且我正在使用网格系统来保持搜索框动态调整大小/放置。
另外,我试过这个,但似乎没有用:在 Bootstrap 3 中制作可扩展的固定页脚?
javascript - Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in React
我正在处理一个反应项目并尝试使用 react-bootstrap 显示一个对话框。我刚刚在 js 文件中复制了一个有效的 react-bootstrap 片段,但它对我不起作用,我在Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
旁边<div className='static-modal'>
当我在返回行中使用 " 时,如下所示: