问题标签 [protege]
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ontology - 通过遵循合格的基数限制来强制不一致
ontology - How to create bilingual ontology in Protege?
I want to create a web application based on semantic web. The knowledge base is an ontology. My problem is that my application have to supports two languages (English and Romanian). In this moment the only solution that I have is to create two different ontologies (with the same values only translated) but I think is possible to create one that supports this two languages.
So I want to found the way to do these things in Protege.
Can you help me with any ideas?
Thanks (sorry for my bad English)
prolog - 让 SWI-Prolog 将文字转换为数字
我正在使用 SWI-Prolog 在三元组 RDF 文件中执行查询。可以查询这些值,但不只是一个数字,而是在它们前面显示单词 Literal(例如,[literal(500000)] 显示值 500000)。现在,当我有一个要添加的数字列表时,问题就出现了。我尝试将这些文字转换为原子,以便 Prolog 可以将它们识别为数字,但得到以下错误
错误:atom_number/2:类型错误:atom' 预期,找到 [literal(500000)]'
ontology - 使用曼彻斯特语法查询 OWL API 中的匿名类
我正在使用 OWL API 对 Protege 中创建的本体进行推理。我正在处理 OWL API 示例 DL 查询:http: //sourceforge.net/p/owlapi/code/ci/aef6981535f07a2d0d44c394b9f4d5415f36025a/tree/contract/src/test/java/org/coode/owlapi/examples/DLQueryExample.java . 我猜这个例子提供了相当于 Protege 中的 DL Query Tab 的功能。但实际上存在一些显着差异:我需要获取匿名类的信息(子类、超类等),该匿名类由一组个体(例如 {Member1,Member2...})或另一个方法。在 Protege 中,此查询返回正确的结果,但 OWL API Dl 查询示例中的此类查询返回 [NOTHING]。有没有办法在 OWL API 中操作匿名类?提前感谢您的回答。
mysql - Protege DataMaster:无法显示或导入表记录
我的表中有一些记录存储在MySQL中,Protege DataMaster插件可以成功连接数据库。表格可以列在左侧。但是当我点击其中任何一个时,右侧没有显示表格数据,即预览部分。
我将表example_table作为“Relational.OWL 实例”导入,我还检查了“导入表内容”。我想要的只是将 MySQL 记录转换为 Protege 实例。点击“导入”后,
出现在类层次结构中,但在 Individuals 标记中,没有添加任何实例,即未导入example_table中的记录。有人知道这里出了什么问题吗?
owl - 使用 Protege 描述本体中的“包含”
我正在使用 Protege 4.3.0 来描述石油受损地区的修复活动。我是本体的新手,并遵循Matthew Horridge 的教程。
他表达了这样一个事实,即每个比萨饼都通过专有的 hasTopping 有一些浇头,它通过 hasBase 等有一个基础......我想知道创建一个通用属性“has”并表达这个事实的缺点是什么
Pizza has some Topping
Pizza has max 1 Base
等等 ...
epub - Protege 中的 EPUB
eclipse - 如何在 Java 应用程序中使用现有的本体?
使用 Eclipse,创建一个搜索程序。用户可以输入一个字符串,如果一个实例将该字符串作为其数据类型属性之一,则该实例的名称和其他属性将显示给用户。
rdf - Jena: property name cannot be resolved to a variable?
I'm using Jena to query my ontology, and I'm following Step 8: Querying a Model of this tutorial. The RDF file vc-db-1.rdf being queried here is generated from Step 3: Writing RDF and is shown below:
The sample code is tutorial 7 and can be downloaded here.
I noticed that in the line
VCARD.FN is only a property name from the RDF, but not a defined variable in my code. However, it can be successfully recognized here and the code runs without any problem.
But this is not the case with my own RDF file. I created an ontology pottery.owl with Protege and saved it in RDF/XML language. The file content is as followed:
The ontology contains a class pottery, an instance pottery_instance_1, and a datatype property pottery.colors.
And I modified these lines in the original code:
This time I got the error "pottery cannot be resolved to a variable."
What's the trick here? Does it have anything to do with the difference between the formats of the two RDFs? Or something else? Thank you.
protege - SWRL:如何使用内置的 swrlb:booleanNot?
我正在使用 Protege 3.4.8。假设我有一些带有 datatype propertycolors
和 object property的实例hasMeaning
由字符串表示,例如red blue yellow
colors(?x, ?y)
∧ swrlb:contains(?y, "red")
∧ swrlb:booleanNot(true, swrlb:contains(?y,"blue"))
→ hasMeaning(?x, Happy)
但我得到了Error: Expecting ',' or ')', got '('.