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java - 模拟受保护的方法




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unit-testing - 在 Spock 中使用 GroovyMock 或类似方法模拟静态方法

初来乍到,如有遗漏,敬请见谅。我希望使用 Spock 绕过对静态方法的调用。反馈会很棒

使用 groovy 模拟,我认为我可以通过静态调用但没有找到它。作为背景,我正在改造遗留 Java 中的测试。禁止重构。我正在使用带有 groovy-1.8 的 spock-0.7。


staticMethod 返回 ClassWithStatic 的实例 instanceMethod 返回方法其余部分所需的 Thing

如果我直接执行全局模拟,它会返回模拟的实例 ok:

但是,如果我从 ClassUnderTest 运行 methodUnderTest:

它抛出一个 ClassWithStatic 的真实实例,该实例在其 instanceMethod 中继续失败。

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java - Why isn't PowerMockito mocking this class properly?

I am using PowerMockito and this is my test:

This test is failing.

Here's what PowerMockitoProduction does:

I expect this code to create a mock HttpClient based on this line in my test:

But it doesn't seem to be effecting my production code. What am I doing wrong?

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java - 如何使用 PowerMockito 完全模拟一个类?

我正在阅读有关 PowerMockito 的文档,它有两个主要示例:

  1. 模拟静态方法
  2. 部分模拟一个类

但我想知道如何模拟使用new. 我正在寻找 Mockitomock方法的 PowerMockito 版本。这应该能够以某种方式new Foo()在我的生产代码中替换为 Mockito mock(Foo.class)。这是我尝试过的:






但这给了我一条ClassCastException线索。那么,用 PowerMockito 完全模拟一个类的正确方法是什么?

与此示例不同,我尝试模拟 HttpClient 的原因是为了verify以后可以调用它。

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java - PowerMockito 私有方法 doThrow 存根



我已经尝试将 any() 切换到 anyObject() 等。但我遇到了存根问题......


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junit - 如何使用 PowerMockito 和 JUnit 模拟 getResourceAsStream 方法?


对于模拟框架,我更喜欢 Mockito + PowerMockito。


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mockito - PowerMockito.doAnswer 不产生输出

我一直在尝试实现 PowerMockito.Answer 一段时间但仍然卡住.. 这是代码

它会运行得很好,但不用说 println ......请帮助......!问候


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java - 模拟 java.nio.file.Paths.get 除了抛出 InvalidPathException 什么都不做



并且只抛出异常 InvalidPathException?


整个想法是我试图重现在英文Mac下,Mac默认编码设置为US-ASCII的错误,其中Path path = Paths.get("report_はな.html"); 将抛出此 InvalidPathException。

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java - 使用泛型参数模拟静态方法





whereLoggingService是一个抽象类,getLog(Class<?> clazz)是一个带有泛型类参数的静态方法。这个方法调用需要被模拟。我用一个名为的类创建了一个模拟实现,ILogImpl这就是我试图测试它的方式:


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java - Mocking a local object inside a method of SUT using Mockito or PowerMocktio

I've class method like below which creates a local object and calls a method on that local object.

When I'm testing myMethod, I want to mock otherClassObject.otherClassMethod to return something of my choice. otherClassMethod does some class to Message Queues and I don't want that in Unit test. So I want to return true when I do otherClassObj.otherClassMethod(). I know I must have used a factory for MyOtherClass instantiation in this case but it's legacy code and I don't want to change any code now. I see that Mockito doesn't provide this facility to mock MyOtherClass in this case but possible with PowerMockito. However, I could not find an example for above scenario but found only for static class. How should I mock local object inside a method of SUT ?

I also referred to some other OS questions like - Mocking methods of local scope objects with Mockito but they were not helpful.

A code example will be of great help.