问题标签 [panning]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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jquery - JQuery无限水平背景图像平移



没关系,在从搜索中发布此内容后可能连续搜索了 3 个小时,但没有找到我正在寻找的东西,我终于找到了我想要实现的目标。如果其他人需要此结帐的帮助,请查看站点 - http://www.creativejuiz.fr/blog/doc/infinite-slideshow/


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jquery - jQuery Flot time-based axis panning issue

I've been tinkering, making a little chart with Flot and some of it's plugins. The purpose is to provide a chart tracking basal body temperature, with the date per day on the x axis, degrees on the y axis. Panning will shift the x axis, so you can see previous dates etc, clicking will result in a new point, snapped to grid.

The grid on a time based axis when panning does not move. It does when I change the axis type to normal. I really want to have the entire grid move, because now the line series sort of 'floats around' on the grid. Does anyone know how to make that work? Am I missing something in the options?

This is harder to explain than it is to see, so fsfiddle provided: http://jsfiddle.net/jorgthuijls/caM3q/1/

Triggering the change in behaviour is the option mode: 'time' on the x axis option (line 24 of the fiddle).

The bit of code to pay attention to:

change this to

and see what happens moving the graph after adding a few points.

Much appreciated!

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raphael - 在 IE 和 FF 中平移 Raphael 曲面/元素很慢并且会中断

我正在使用 Raphael 插件并绘制几个矩形并在它们之间创建一些连接,使它们看起来像圆形/连接图。

当我开始从其初始位置移动矩形时,它将随着鼠标指针的移动而移动。这是在 Chrome 浏览器中。

当我在 Firefox(20.xx) 和 Internet Explorer(8) 浏览器中测试相同的功能时,速度很慢,有时使用鼠标指针拖动矩形时矩形会破裂。

特别是在 Internet Explorer(8) 浏览器中速度非常慢,有时鼠标指针会在 x 位置,而拖动的矩形会在其他位置。

我不希望使用 Raphael-zpd.js 插件一次移动整个图形。我想知道为什么两个浏览器的功能不同。

有没有办法解决 Raphael 的跨浏览器问题?我试图找到有关拉斐尔这种特殊行为的更多信息,但我找不到任何信息。


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charts - Wavemaker using MouseZoomAndPan

In wavemaker a got an app that display charts with dojo charting, some charts have a lot data so the chart is compressed so i look around and found that we could add zooming and panning, found an example on the web link:http://informatik.fh-brandenburg.de/~porebskk/dojo.html

i look at the source code and it looks like i only had to add this to my code


and then call it before rendering the chart

new dojox.charting.action2d.MouseZoomAndPan(chart, "default");

My problem is when i had this to my source code dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.MouseZoomAndPan");

and run the app i get "page Main as error" and my application does not work anymore

if i do this then my application comesback to life //dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.MouseZoomAndPan");

i create a new application and i only had this on top of the main page and get the error again dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.MouseZoomAndPan");

in the wavemaker debugger i get "error parsing pages/Main/Main.js"

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google-maps-api-3 - Google Maps API v3 平移和指南针控制失败


此处提供屏幕截图:http: //i.stack.imgur.com/52037.jpg




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c# - C# - 最适合创建 PictureBox 的设计模式支持:平移/缩放/可滚动和选择工具(可拖动矩形)

我想创建一个派生的 PictureBox 类,支持缩放、平移、滚动功能和一些选择工具(圆形、矩形、环形)。


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android - 发生缩放后获取点击的 (x,y) 坐标



为了补偿它被平移的数量,我跟踪所有发生在PointF dspl. 在onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)我的自定义视图的方法中,我打开event.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK并在这种情况下MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN设置事件的起点以及起始位移和其他一些不言自明的事情:






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javascript - 如何使用缩放行为在 D3 中缩放 + 平移椭圆

我最近基于 D3 示例http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3680957应用了平移 + 缩放

这适用于多边形、线条、圆形,但不适用于椭圆。当我平移 + 缩放椭圆并缩放 rx 和 ry 值时,新的 rx/ry 值不会像我预期的那样改变。椭圆极大地重塑,有时甚至消失(rx/ry 变为负数)。


这是一个 JSFiddle 示例http://jsfiddle.net/44VYK/

我不认为这是 D3 的问题,我的直觉说我错过了示例和 D3 的缩放行为的一些基本内容。


这是 jsFiddle 代码:

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javafx-2 - JavaFX ScrollPane:禁用触摸事件的平移

我有一个 ScrollPane 的问题。我想禁用平移。对于鼠标来说,由于 setPannaable(boolean) 函数,这非常容易。但这不会禁用触摸事件的平移。那么有没有办法在 ScrollPane 中禁用触摸事件的平移?


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javascript - 平移后谷歌地图覆盖不正确

我在谷歌地图上放置了一个覆盖热图。更具体地说,我正在使用这个插件: http: //www.patrick-wied.at/static/heatmapjs/example-heatmap-googlemaps.html


google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function(event){ updateHeatMap();});


google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'idle', function(event){ updateHeatMap();});




HeatmapOverlay.prototype.setDataSet = function(data){

我.latlgs = [];

