问题标签 [orphan]

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tfs - TFS claiming files are locked even though they are not - Orphaned Locks

I'm trying to perform a baseless merge between two branches using tf.exe.

When I run the command, it fails and tells me that there 15-20 files that are locked by another user. I've looked at the other user's pending changes and he only has three files checked out in the target branch and none of them are locked.

Has anyone experienced something similar to this before?


With help from Robaticus, I've found that the locks are in the tbl_lock table, but the pending changes they are associated with do not exist any more. It looks like there are multiple orphaned locks other than the ones that are giving us the current merge issue.

Does anyone know what causes these or a way of fixing them that does not involved touching the DB directly? I'm off to do a little research to see if I can find anything.

Edit 2

First Google search for 'tfs orphaned locks' returns this: Orphaned locks in TFS

The TFS team recommends deleting them directly from the table, so I guess I'll have to do that.

I didn't see any posts indicating that it had been fixed yet.

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ruby-on-rails - 是否有使用 Prawn for Ruby on Rails 的寡妇孤儿保护?

我有一个关于在 Rails 上使用 Prawn 的问题。

我将 bounding_box 用于可变长度内容。当内容溢出到下一页时,我希望有某种寡妇/孤儿保护。有没有推荐的解决方案?


或者也许从上一页中取出最后 x 行,以便新页面中至少有 x+1 行?


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ruby-on-rails - 任何用于检测孤立记录的 Rails 插件/宝石?


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python - 当父进程死亡时如何在子进程中检测?

在 python 中,我有一个父进程,它产生了一些子进程。我遇到了一种情况,由于未处理的异常,父进程正在死亡,而子进程处于孤立状态。如何让子进程认识到他们失去了父进程?

我尝试了一些将子进程与每个可用信号挂钩的代码,但没有一个被触发。从理论上讲,我可以在父进程周围放置一个巨大的 try/except 以确保它至少向子进程触发一个 sigterm,但这是不雅的,也不是万无一失的。如何防止孤立进程?

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sitecore - 每当添加项目时,Sitecore 都会添加多个孤立项目

在我的 Sitecore 6.1.0 安装中,我通过如下实现我自己的自定义处理程序(在 Web.config 中)连接到“item: added”事件:

这样做的目的是强制项目的唯一名称 - 换句话说,在我的 OnItemAdded 方法中,我想对与正在添加的项目同名的任何其他项目进行 Lucene 搜索。

每次在 Sitecore 结构中添加项目时都会调用 OnItemAdded 方法。但我的问题是 -每个项目不止一次调用该方法。我已经看到每个添加的项目都会调用 6 到 26 次,具体取决于我在 Sitecore 结构中添加项目的位置。我的 OnItemAdded 方法的主体是空的:

添加项目时第一次调用该方法时,args参数中的项目是正确的项目。如果项目的名称是theItemName,则 FullPath 属性将如下所示:


为什么将 [orphan] 位添加到完整路径中?为什么要多次调用 OnItemAdded 方法,即使我只添加一项?

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unix - process re-parenting: controlling who is the new parent

Is the new parent always "init" or is there some way to control who gets to be the new parent?

Wikipedia seems indicates that it's always "init". I really hope that this is not the case. I have tried everything I can think of with setpgid and setsid, but no luck. And now that I see this wikipedia article I need advice.

In a Unix-like operating system any orphaned process will be immediately adopted by the special init system process. This operation is called re-parenting and occurs automatically. Even though technically the process has the "init" process as its parent, it is still called an orphan process since the process that originally created it no longer exists. Taken from wikipedia

The reason I'm asking is because I'm making a Mac app that runs a number of worker processes. I want these worker processes to appear as children of the main process in the process-hierarchy of the task manager. Some of the workers run as different users and on Mac OS X I need to fork twice to pass privileges to the child process. Because I "double fork" the workers currently run as deamons, and when looking with task manager I see the workers are having "init" as their parent process.

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java - JPA 2.0 / Hibernate 和“orphanRemoval”:仅替换实体不会删除旧实体

我对 JPA 2.0、Hibernate 和“orphanRemoval”有疑问。


  • Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE
  • SprnigData JPA 1.0.1.RELEASE
  • Hibernate 3.5.2-Final
  • 数据库管理系统:PostgreSQL 9.0








所以我省略了将“avatarImage”设置为“null”,而只是设置了“theNewAvatarImage”,替换了旧的“avatarImage”。但这不起作用,旧的 AvatarImage 在事务提交时不会从数据库中删除。

有谁知道,为什么第二个代码(只是替换 AvatarImage 而之前没有将其设置为“null”)不起作用?



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java - cascade="all-delete-orphan" 在与连接表的 Hibernate 单向多对多关联中是否有任何意义?

我有两个对象,它们形成了具有多对多关系的父子关系。按照 Hibernate 参考手册中的建议,我使用连接表进行了映射:


但是,我发现如果我使用,那么如果仅从其中一个cascade="all-delete-orphan"会议中删除与多个会议关联的发言人,Hibernate 会尝试删除发言人实例本身。


s处理' 的删除时会引发错误c1.speakers,因为 Hibernate 正在删除连接表中的行和speakers表中的行:

DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - 从conference_speakers 中删除conference_id=?和speaker_id=?
调试 org.hibernate.SQL - 从 id=? 的扬声器中删除

如果我更改cascade="all-delete-orphan"为 just cascade="all",则此测试按预期工作,尽管它会导致不良行为,最终我将在speakers表中出现孤立行。

这让我想知道 - Hibernate 是否甚至有可能知道何时从关系的孩子端删除孤立对象,但只有当孩子没有被任何其他父母引用时(无论这些父母是否在当前Session)? 也许我在滥用cascade="all-delete-orphan"

如果我使用 JPA 注释而不是 XML 映射,我会得到相同的行为,例如:

顺便说一下,这是使用 Hibernate 3.6.7.Final 的。

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wix - 如何从桌面删除快捷方式?

安装程序在桌面上创建 2 个快捷方式:文件 (FS) 和 Internet 快捷方式 (IS)。卸载时FS删除正常,但IS仍然存在。然后我评论FS和测试。现在它已成功创建和删除。


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java - 调用程序退出/崩溃时关闭 Java 子进程


我的代码由一个调用 Java 程序的 Python 程序组成,两个程序之间通过管道通信;Java 程序是持久的,而不仅仅是一次性运行。一切正常,但如果 Python 程序过早退出,我需要关闭 Java 程序。

认为最好的方法是让 Java 程序在无法检测到程序之间的标准输入管道时自行关闭,但我不知道该怎么做。


相关Java代码;如果程序无法从标准输入中读取,我希望程序退出,但我认为 readLine() 函数的一些阻塞问题正在发挥作用: