I'm trying to perform a baseless merge between two branches using tf.exe.

When I run the command, it fails and tells me that there 15-20 files that are locked by another user. I've looked at the other user's pending changes and he only has three files checked out in the target branch and none of them are locked.

Has anyone experienced something similar to this before?


With help from Robaticus, I've found that the locks are in the tbl_lock table, but the pending changes they are associated with do not exist any more. It looks like there are multiple orphaned locks other than the ones that are giving us the current merge issue.

Does anyone know what causes these or a way of fixing them that does not involved touching the DB directly? I'm off to do a little research to see if I can find anything.

Edit 2

First Google search for 'tfs orphaned locks' returns this: Orphaned locks in TFS

The TFS team recommends deleting them directly from the table, so I guess I'll have to do that.

I didn't see any posts indicating that it had been fixed yet.


2 回答 2


您可能需要检查它们是否被锁定在废弃的工作区中。为此,请为 TFS 2008 安装 TFS Power Tools(10 月版)。然后您可以右键单击源资源管理器中的文件夹并“在源代码管理中查找”。使用“状态...”,您可以找到该用户锁定的所有文件。


* 编辑:前面的危险代码 *



 from tbl_lock lck
inner join tbl_workspace wspc on wspc.WorkSpaceId = lck.WorkSpaceId
inner join tbl_identity id on id.IdentityId = wspc.OwnerId
于 2010-11-03T19:58:38.963 回答

您是否使用Atrice Sidekicks来调查此问题。这是一个围绕 TFS 命令行工具的漂亮 UI。

于 2010-11-04T07:21:04.580 回答