问题标签 [opencart]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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apache - Opencart, OC, captcha error

OC, the Captcha image doesn't show on none of these pages:

  1. product / review section
  2. contact page
  3. by accessing this http://www.directmall.co.uk/index.php?route=information/contact/captcha (the direct link which should generate the image)

I can't see any errors (Apache logs / error.txt file). I can't see any spaces within the language files - in fact I've redownloaded the entire EN package just to make sure..

I suspect a broken dependency (even if I have GD.. there must be something else..); disabled entirely caching - need assistance!

Back in 2009 I've found trails of such errors on forums but it seems there was a language-file problem, meaning trails of spaces were sending the page headers earlier than normal - but I've checked most of the files I thought to be involved and I've cleaned all the extra spaces - with no result.

Thanks, Bogdan

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css - 根据 OpenCart 中的路线将 CSS 样式表添加到页面

我正在为客户端商店使用 opencart(版本,并且想知道编写它的最佳方法是什么,以便我可以为某些路线添加某些样式表。

例如,在我的类别页面上,我希望使用与默认样式不同的样式表,或者使用我的自定义表单覆盖默认样式的样式表。显然,我已经将它用于不止一条路线,并且希望尽可能少地进行编辑,以便在我需要在任何阶段升级时减少框架中的编辑量(并且使用众所周知的 opencart随机更改和错误修复版本,这很可能)

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php - 为移动设备开发

这是当今的热门话题,我需要为我的网站构建一个基于 jQuery Mobile 的模板。构建模板不是问题,但当有人通过移动设备导航时显示是问题。我知道我需要更改 OC 核心中的一些代码才能做到这一点,但需要一些建议或帮助。首先加载模板的地方是/system/engine/controller.php。这是功能:



D:\Webserver\htdocs\portal/catalog/view/theme/libcommerce_mobile/警告:需要(D:\Webserver\htdocs\portal\catalog\view\theme\libcommerce_mobile)[function.require]:无法打开流:权限在第 77 行的 D:\Webserver\htdocs\portal\system\engine\controller.php 中被拒绝 致命错误:require() [function.require]: 无法打开所需的 'D:\Webserver\htdocs\portal/catalog/view/第 77 行 D:\Webserver\htdocs\portal\system\engine\controller.php 中的主题/libcommerce_mobile/' (include_path='.;D:\Webserver\php\PEAR')



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php - 按类别列出视图

我在我正在处理的网站 (http://www.thetradinghouse.co.nz/view-all) 上查看所有类别。正如您所看到的,产品不是按类别排序的,我怎么能改变它,因为我也想用管理产品列表来做这个。


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permissions - 令人困惑的 OpenCart 错误消息

我在我的网站上安装了 open cart,当我进入系统的 admin CMS 部分时,我收到各种错误消息:



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php - Unlimited Sub Categories php and mysql li list open cart categories

I have the following tables category and category_description in php mysql. my question is how with the information below do i go about creating an unlimited amount of subcategories in a ul li structure. I have looked at various examples on here but no no avail many thanks for your time in reading this question. i look forward to your response

And the descriptions are stored in this table

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mysql - Opencart 基于重量的运输

我有很多脚本可以在 opencart 之外执行各种不同的操作,但使用的是 opencart 数据库。他们不会修改数据库,只是为了报告等目的而对其进行查询。

我想查询 OpenCart 数据库和基于标准重量的运费(国内、英国)。此刻我什至无法弄清楚这些基于重量的运费存储在哪里,更不用说根据产品查找运费了。


从 oc_products 表中循环遍历我的第二个数组,我输出了另一个具有重量的产品数组,在该循环中,我需要查找相应重量的价格...... 现在这是我需要帮助的地方!?

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php - 会话限制在服务器上?



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php - 是否可以将我的 opencart 应用程序与 Quickbook 桌面软件集成?

当我在我的 opencart 网站上进行销售时,我希望能够在桌面 quickbook 软件的会计账簿中制作相应的日记帐分录。

我可以在免费的 API 上做到这一点吗?或任何?

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php - Session Variables in Opencart

Can someone explain where session variables are held?

I have added some session variables in header.php in the controller, for example:

This works when loading the site, and when I click on a product, all the variables are gone, except for the [language], [currency] and [cart] which are set by Opencart.

I guess there is another file or controller file where I set the variables, or where [language], [currency] and [cart] are set but I cannot find it.

Thanks in advance.