OC, the Captcha image doesn't show on none of these pages:
- product / review section
- contact page
- by accessing this http://www.directmall.co.uk/index.php?route=information/contact/captcha (the direct link which should generate the image)
I can't see any errors (Apache logs / error.txt file). I can't see any spaces within the language files - in fact I've redownloaded the entire EN package just to make sure..
I suspect a broken dependency (even if I have GD.. there must be something else..); disabled entirely caching - need assistance!
Back in 2009 I've found trails of such errors on forums but it seems there was a language-file problem, meaning trails of spaces were sending the page headers earlier than normal - but I've checked most of the files I thought to be involved and I've cleaned all the extra spaces - with no result.
Thanks, Bogdan