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nvvp - NVidia Visual Profiler 的分析器开销过多


nvvp 时间线,在 98 毫秒的总运行时间中具有 85 毫秒的开销 总时间为 98 毫秒,我在第一次内核启动时获得了 85 毫秒的“仪器”。





我在带有 GTX 1080 的 Ubuntu 16.04 上使用 CUDA Toolkit 8.0。

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cuda - 如何在无头节点上分析 CUDA 代码?

我正在开发一个我想要分析的 CUDA 应用程序。到目前为止,我使用的只是命令行分析器,它只nvprof显示汇总的统计信息。

我考虑过使用 GUI 分析器 NVVP。问题是我运行应用程序的远程 Linux 节点没有任何 GUI(甚至是 X.org)。此外,即使我设法在远程节点上获得了一些 X11 堆栈,在整个分析过程中保持我自己的笔记本电脑处于活动状态也是非常乏味的。


然后我将输出文件复制到我的笔记本电脑上并在 NVVP 中查看。但是,这有三个问题。

首先,当我将输出文件加载到 NVVP 时,我没有得到任何文件传输信息。它根本没有显示在 NVVP 窗口中。

其次,调用图完全扭曲。内核启动之间的间隔至少比内核持续时间大 100 倍,这使得任何依赖关系和流分析都是不可能的。

最后,我的应用程序使用了大量的 GPU 内存。在分析期间,设备内存不足,而在独立运行期间并非如此。

我应该如何在无头节点上正确分析我的 CUDA 应用程序?

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cuda - 如何为 Nvidia Visual Profiler 指定 nvprof“设备”选项?

CUDA Toolkit 9.0、Windows 10、GTX 1060 和 NVS 315、385.54 驱动程序版本。

Nvidia Visual Profiler 总是无法进行分析,返回以下两条警告消息:

“警告:此版本的 nvprof 不支持底层设备,GPU 分析已跳过”

“警告:未分析任何 CUDA 应用程序,正在退出”

请注意,我的机器安装了两个 GPU。物理移除 NVS 315 可解决问题;可视化探查器工作。通过设备管理器禁用 NVS 315 也可以。我只想分析 GTX 1060,但我想在安装 NVS 315 的情况下这样做,而不是禁用。

使用 nvprof 并指定“--devices”选项有效:


从 nvprof 导出结果,然后在 Visual Profiler 中打开工作:


因此,NVS 315 似乎有些不兼容的地方。此外,为 Visual Profiler (nvvp) 指定类似“--devices 0”的内容似乎是一种解决方案。要是我知道怎么做就好了。

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cuda - CUDA nvvp 提供的报告中的“Instruction Issued”是什么意思?

我使用 Nvidia 视觉分析器 (nvvp) 在 cublas 内核上执行内核分析。这个链接Latency Distribution是延迟分布的结果。

该文件以这种方式解释了“指令发出”一词 - “指令发出 - 经线发出”,这让我感到困惑。它实际上是什么意思?

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linux - 分析任意 CUDA 应用程序


有一个标志--profile-all-processes实际上确实给了我一条消息“NVPROF 正在分析过程 12345”,但没有进一步打印出来。我正在使用 CUDA 8。

在这种情况下,如何获得 CUDA 内核的详细性能细分?

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cuda - How to print api calls per thread with nvprof

I am profiling a CUDA application and dumping the logs to a file say target.prof

My application uses multiple threads to dispatch kernels and I want to observe the api calls from just one of those threads. I tried using nvprof -i target.prof --print-api-trace but this does not print the thread_id.

When I open this file with the visual profiler, I can see which API calls were launched from which thread. How can I access the same information using the command line profiler?

Edit: View in the visual profiler

Visual Profiler showing multiple threads

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cuda - CUDA's nvvp reports non-ideal memory access pattern, but bandwidth is almost peaking

EDIT: new minimal working example to illustrate the question and better explanation of nvvp's outcome (following suggestions given in the comments).

So, I have crafted a "minimal" working example, which follows:

When I compile and run the above code, kernels duplicate_whole and duplicate_half take just about the same time to run.

However, when I analyze the kernels using nvvp I get different reports for each of the kernels in the following sense. For kernel duplicate_whole, nvvp warns me that at line 23 (d = { 2.0f * d.x, 2.0f * d.y };) the kernel is performing

I agree that I am loading 8 byte words. What I do not understand is why 4 bytes is the ideal word size. In special, there is no performance difference between the kernels.

I suppose that there must be circumstances where this global store access pattern could cause performance degradation. What are these?

And why is that I do not get a performance hit?

I hope that this edit has clarified some unclear points.


I'll start wit some kernel code to exemplify my question, which will follow below

Let us consider the case where data_t is float, which is memory bandwidth limited. As it can be seen above, there are two versions of the kernel, one which reads/writes 8 bytes (a whole complex number) per thread and another which reads/writes 4 bytes per thread and then shuffles the results so the complex product is computed correctly.

The reason why I have written the version using shuffle is because nvvp insisted that reading 8 bytes per thread was not the best idea because this memory access pattern would be inefficient. This is the case even though in both systems tested (GTX 1050 and GTX Titan Xp) memory bandwidth was very close to theoretical maximum.

Surely enough I knew that no improvement was likely to happen, and this was indeed the case: both kernels take pretty much the same time to run. So, my question is the following:

Why is that nvvp reports that reading 8 bytes would be less efficient than reading 4 bytes per thread? In which circumstances would that be the case?

As a side note, single precision is more important to me, but double is useful in some cases too. Interestingly enough, in the case where data_t is double, there is no execution time difference too between the two kernel versions, even though in this case the kernel is compute bound and the shuffle version performs some more flops than the original version.

Note: the kernels are applied to a row_length * M * b dataset (b images with row_length columns and M lines) and the chirp_factor array is row_length * M. Both kernels run perfecly fine (I can edit the question to show you the calls to both versions if you have doubts about it).

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cuda - 由于“内存依赖性”,仅寄存器指令如何停止?

我正在使用启用 PC 采样的 nvprof 分析 CUDA 内核,以了解我遇到的一些延迟问题。我使用的 GPU 是 P100(计算 6.0)

PC 采样报告说 DFMA 由于内存依赖性而经常停止。DFMA 的 SASS 代码如下:

我对这个问题的看法是,R8 需要通过 LDG.E.CI.64 加载,L2 上的未命中率非常高。


让我感到困惑的是 DFMA 不是加载/存储操作,如果我认为停顿是由于 R8 上不可用的数据是正确的,那么它应该是执行依赖。DFMA 上的内存依赖停止意味着什么?

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cuda - 为什么两个 CUDA 流中的操作不重叠?

我的程序是一个管道,它包含多个内核和 memcpys。每个任务将通过具有不同输入数据的相同管道。主机代码在处理任务时首先会选择一个 Channel,它是暂存器内存和 CUDA 对象的封装。在最后一个阶段之后,我将记录一个事件,然后去处理下一个任务。
主要流水线逻辑如下。问题是不同流中的操作不重叠。我附上了处理 10 个任务的时间表。您可以看到流中的任何操作都没有重叠。对于每个内核,一个块中有 256 个线程,一个网格中有 5 个块。用于 memcpy 的所有缓冲区都已固定,我确信我已满足这些要求用于重叠内核执行和数据传输。有人可以帮我找出原因吗?谢谢。

GPU:Tesla K40m (GK110)
Max Warps/SM:64
Max Thread Blocks/SM:16
Max Threads/SM:2048


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cuda - Nvidia Profiling NVPROF的CPU启动和GPU启动的开始和结束边界在哪里?

CPU 和 GPU(黄色块)中内核启动的开始和结束的定义是什么?他们之间的界限在哪里?

请注意CPU和GPU中那些黄色块的开始,结束和持续时间是不同的。为什么CPU调用vecAdd<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(d_a, d_b, d_c, n);需要那么长时间?



